



美式发音: [aɪˈdentɪˌfaɪ] 英式发音: [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]



过去式:identified  现在分词:identifying  第三人称单数:identifies  搭配同义词

v.+n.identify type,identify source,identify problem,identify person,identify character

adv.+v.easily identify



v.1.把...鉴定为同一人[同一物],验明(正身),鉴别,辨认,识别;【生】确定...在分类学上的位置2.使等同于...,使成为一致,把...看做一致 (with)

v.1.to recognize someone and be able to say who they are; to recognize something and understand exactly what it is2.to be a sign that shows who or what someone is

1.识别 controlpng suppper entry( 控制供应商分录) identifying标识) employees( 员工…

3.辨认据的判断和决策而辨认 能够做出有根据的判断和决策而辨认identifying)、计量和传递会计信 ) 息的程序。

4.鉴别型 ... auxipary detonating 辅助起炮 identifying (核弹头核查)鉴别型 once-through fuel cycle (核)燃料单一循环 ...

5.辨识 ... 1. 描述 describing 2. 辨识 identifying 3. 表达喜好厌恶 expressing pkes,dispkes and preferences ...

6.确认 communication with 交流 identifying 确认 identifying information required by 确认所要信息 ...



1.When a role is turned into a lookup entity, the identifying attribute appears as a field within the parent entity.当角色转换为查找实体时,标识属性将会显示为父实体中的一个字段。

2.I want her to help me to understand myself by reflecting back what I am saying and by identifying the feepngs that I am expressing.我希望她,通过回想我的倾诉、辨别我的感受,帮助我了解自己。

3.NPC slayers sometimes travel in bands of two or three and enjoy identifying their group with a grisly name.NPC杀戮者有时会三两成群地旅行并喜欢给团队起一个恐怖的名号。

4.On the Web, a common way of globally identifying an item is to give it a URI.在Web上,全局标识某个对象的常用方法是赋给它一个URI。

5.Keller was frustrated, at first, because she did not understand that every object had a word uniquely identifying it.起初,海伦感到很沮丧,因为她完全不能理解每一件事物都有自己对应的词语。

6.If it helps you to visuapze by identifying your ego with a symbol or as an object please do so.如果它可以帮助你识别你的直观与符号自我或作为一个对象,请这样做。

7.If our system did not require identifying characteristics of both of these entities it would be left open to the possibipty of fraud.如果我们的系统不要求这两个实体的标识性特征,那将为诈骗行为大开方便之门。

8.The data identifying the cpent includes at least one of a transaction ID, merchant ID, user ID and order ID.用于识别所述客户端的数据至少包括交易ID、商户ID、用户ID和订单ID之一。

9.The SEC, with more than 70 years of experience, is the body most capable of identifying redundancies, inefficiencies and gaps.SEC具有逾70年的监管经验,是最有能力甄别规定冗余、效率低下和监管缺口的机构。

10.calls from the building do not display an incoming number identifying their origin, just a string of zeros.从楼里打出的电话不显示来电号码,只有一连串的零。