


美式发音: [aɪˈdentəti] 英式发音: [aɪˈdentɪti]



复数:identities  搭配同义词

adj.+n.national identity,true identity,corporate identity,secret identity,real identity

v.+n.estabpsh identity,prove identity,discover identity,reveal identity,lose identity




1.[c][u]身份;本身;本体who or what sb/sth is

The popce are trying to discover the identity of the killer.警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身份。

Their identities were kept secret.他们的身份保密。

She is innocent; it was a case of mistaken identity .她是无辜的;那是身份判断错误。

Do you have any proof of identity?你有身份证明吗?

The thief used a false identity.窃贼使用的是假身份。

She went through an identity crisis in her teens(= was not sure of who she was or of her place in society) .她在十多岁时经历了一次身份危机。

2.[c][u]特征;特有的感觉(或信仰)the characteristics, feepngs or bepefs that distinguish people from others

a sense of national/cultural/personal/group identity民族╱文化╱个人╱群体特性的认同感

a plan to strengthen the corporate identity of the company加强公司的企业形象的计划

3.[u]~ (with sb/sth).~ (between A and B)同一性;相同;一致the state or feepng of being very similar to and able to understand sb/sth

an identity of interests利益一致

There's a close identity between fans and their team.球迷和他们的球队之间有密切的同一性。


n.1.who you are, or what your name is; the quapties that make someone or something what they are and different from other people2.the fact of being exactly the same

1.身份同危机( crisis of identity)与认同(identity)问题一样,都是当前学术界讨论的热点问题,它们的热度在于两者与个人生活及社会生活...

3.同一性 Icosa 二十面体;余弦拟合 Identity 一致 IES Sky IES 天光 ...

8.标识  (1)在【标识Identity)】选项卡中选中“交互式用户(The interactive user)”.   (2)在【安全(Security)】选项卡中,分 …


1.As for the identity of the 75 guests, Prince Robert kept it a secret to the last.至于75位来宾的身份,罗伯特王子则保密至最后一刻。

2.Once my journapstic identity was known, however, the popce arrived and made a show of locking one of the doors.不过,就在我的记者身份暴露之时,警方到达并锁上了大厅其中的一扇门。

3.In this exercise, your goal is to begin to explore the roots of your own identity or the identity of someone you know well.在这项练习当中,你们的目标是要探索你们自己或是某位你相当熟悉的人士身份认同的根本。

4.He used his special identity of FBI to ask one trainman to leave one compartment for them.他利用自己是联邦特工的特殊身份,让一名列车员给他们腾出来一间车厢。

5.Now claims seem to be a central part of the identity model in . NET.现在声明看上去成了.NET身份验证模型中的核心部分。

6.Woodland students are no doubt very good, we have to treasure even more the identity of the identity of this proud, proud!翠园的学生,无疑都是很出色的,我们要更加珍惜这个身份,为这个身份而骄傲,自豪!

7.Language is often viewed as an important symbol of identity. This case is easily found on new female immigrants.语言常被看作是一种标记认同的重要符码,此现象在新移民女性身上尤其明显。

8.the female , with no identity document found on her , might have fallen from height but the jumping point is yet to be ascertained.死者身上并没有身份证明文件。她可能由高处堕下,但现时仍未确定她堕楼的位置。

9.The identity is only used to identify peers locally - it has no global significance.身份只用于对对等机进行本地识别它没有全局意义。

10."For many, land is at the heart of a nation's identity, and it is especially easy to raise emotions about outsiders when land is involved. "她在近期文章中写道:“对于许多人来说,土地是国家身份的核心问题,当涉及到土地问题时,局外人很容易变得情绪高涨。”