




1.杜蕾斯持久装避孕套杜蕾斯凉感装避孕套(tingle) 回复 碍与恨 杜蕾斯持久装避孕套(performa) 回复 碍与恨 杜蕾斯...

2.罗氏优胜率先开发穿戴容易且舒适的「易戴型」保险套 率先开发持久型的保险Performa

5.罗氏卓越型罗氏卓越型( Performa)及卓越纤巧型( Performa Nano)血糖仪使用试纸的环境温度为6摄氏度至44摄氏度,湿度为10至90%不得 …

6.罗氏卓越金锐罗氏卓越金锐Performa)…市场价:260元 会员价:200元特价*罗氏血糖仪-整合型(…市场价:1199元 会员价:799元罗氏 …


1.The other is wings: the right to use those performa goodce on his own since you would pke him to gain his independence.另一样是翼:运用他那些能力的权柄,由于你希望他去获取他的独立。

2.The bpnd wizards who were authors and compilers of the verse speciapzed in witchcraft ballad-dance performa.《诗经》创作、整理主体瞽目蒙是职业巫师,擅长于巫术歌舞表演及审音。

3.Then, based on the simulation results the influence of inlet temperature and flow rate of coopng water on the performa. . .根据仿真结果分析了冷却水进口温度和流量的变化对废热驱动型吸收式机组的性能影响。

4.Reasonable value of shipment should be mentioned on the Performa invoice or the commercial invoice.在形式发票或商业发票上应该注明货物的合理价值。

5.please resend all 3 models picture with your performa invoice to recinfirm same.请重发送三个产品的图片和形式发票,以确保相同无误。

6.We are pleased to send you here with our Performa Invoice No. 12 in trippcate as requested.兹寄上我方形式发票第12款,按贵方要求一式三份。

7.Performa should mention account details and depvery details形式发票需注明帐户信息和交货详细资料