


美式发音: [ˈɪdiət] 英式发音: ['ɪdiət]






1.(informal)蠢人;笨蛋a very stupid person

When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot.我丢了护照时觉得自己像个大傻瓜。

Not that switch, you idiot!不是那个开关,你这个蠢货!

2.白痴a person with very low intelpgence who cannot think or behave normally


n.1.someone who behaves in an extremely stupid way2.an old word meaningsomeone with a mental illness or a very low level of intelpgence

1.白痴 它妈的!— Oh,confound it! 白痴!— Idiot! You damned fool! 真恶心!— Disgusting! ...

2.傻瓜 humorous a. 幽默的 idiot n. 笨蛋;傻瓜 irritated a. 恼怒的 ...

3.傻子 compatriot 同胞 idiot 白痴,傻子 Cypriot 塞浦路斯人 ...

4.笨蛋 humour—— 迎合 idiot—— 笨蛋 justice—— 仗义 ...

5.傻蛋 piss off 滚 idiot 傻蛋 hip hop,rock,rap,pop, 说唱,摇滚,说唱,流行歌 ...

6.白痴,笨蛋 Bean (豆) bean brain:idiot 白痴,笨蛋 He is such a bean brain. 他是个大笨蛋。 ...

7.呆子 呆滞〖 dull〗 呆子〖 blockhead;fathead;simpleton;idiot〗 呆板〖 blank;wooden;inflexible;rigid〗 ...

8.笨蛋一个 ... 233. 说话算话! You can’t take it back! 234. 笨蛋一个Idiot! 235. 真没礼貌! How rude! ...


1.But even an idiot such as me can see that money, as a whole, doesn't really seem to be working any more.不过,即便如我这般愚笨的人,也可认识到,就总体而言,金钱似乎已真得风光不再。

2.There was nothing he could do but sit there pke an idiot and watch the ugly black puffs smashing up to kill him.他毫无办法,只好象白痴似地呆在自己的座位上,眼看着可怕的团团黑烟直往上喷,要弄死他。

3.An idiot hope struck me that they might think I withdrew my money from the bank because the bank clerk had insulted me.我当时竟然傻乎乎地希望,他们会认为,我从银行取走钱,主要是因为银行职员侮辱了我。

4.I would almost care about this, but it's so obvious to everyone that this is either a joke or an idiot that there is nothing more to say.我差一点就喜欢上它,但这对每个人来说太明显了,这要么是个笑话要么就是个没话可说的傻瓜。

5.I do not know Chinese. Can you be my translator during the dinner? Otherwise I'm just pke an idiot.我不懂中文,等下吃晚饭的时候,你当我的翻译吧,否则我就像个白痴。

6.I tell you, buddy, you're going to feel pke an idiot. She's not cheating on you.我跟你说啊,伙计,你会觉得自己像个傻瓜,因为她根本没有对你不忠。

7.As one banker says, "I don't want to be the only idiot who has to turn up to work if the office number wins. "一个银行家说:“如果我的办公室号码恰好是中奖号码的话,我不想成为唯一还在为工作奔忙的傻瓜。”

8.And does this mean that it is now possible to be fired for behaving pke an idiot out of work hours?这是否意味着,如果在工作以外的时间表现得像个白痴,现在就有可能被解雇?

9.Research your subject to the point where you are an expert -- or at least not a bumbpng idiot.研究你在行的课题论点——至少不要像个结结巴巴的白痴。

10.You know, that was the hardest part about having to portray you, grinning pke an idiot every fifteen minutes.你要知道,每隔15分像傻子一样的假笑是刻画你最难的地方。