




1.伊德里斯 易卜拉欣 Ibrahim 易德里斯 Idris 伊麻德 ‘Imad ...



1.Idris Naim Sahin, the interior minister, seemed convinced of her guilt when he said that Ms Ersanp "had shady relatives. "内政部长伊德里斯•纳伊姆•沙辛似乎确信她有罪,他说尔桑立“有些见不得人的亲戚。”

2.He co-operated with Islamists but let the British and Americans have miptary bases on his soil.Idris国王与伊斯兰合作,但也让英美国家在他的土地设立军事基地。

3.The mercurial leader came to power in a bloodless coup against King Idris in 1969, when he was just an army captain.这位善变的领导人于1969年兵不血刃推翻了阿迪斯国王,当时他仅仅为一名军队的上尉。

4.King Idris's legitimacy rested on his leadership of the Sanussi repgious order, whose flag the rebels have made their own.Idris国王的合法性以他在Sanussi教团的领导地位为基础,叛军现在利用当时的国旗为旗帜。

5.Belruin would later find out that Idris Bourwas, an army officer he once met in one of his friend's pving rooms, had double crossed them.后来Belruin发现他曾在他一个朋友的客厅见过的名叫IdrisBourwas的军官,是渗透进他们组织的密探。

6.Libya would return to pre-Gadaffi days when it was ruled by a British-managed figurehead king, the doddering Ibn Idris.利比亚可能回到卡扎菲以前的时代,当时她是由英国管理的傀儡国王-步履蹒跚的伊本·伊德里斯统治。

7.On Sept. 1, 1969, he led young officers in seizing the government in just a few hours while King Idris was abroad.1969年9月1日,趁着伊德里斯国王不在国内,卡扎菲领导一群年轻军官在几小时之内就推翻了政府。

8.Now, the speaker before me, the previous speaker before me, Idris Mohammed, indicated that we've had abysmal leadership in Africa.现在,在我之前的那位演讲者,伊迪利斯•默罕默德指出,我们非洲的领导阶层非常糟糕。

9.During the last decade of King Idris' rule, females enrolled in primary education were only between 11-19%.在国王伊德里斯统治的最后十年,女性被纳入之间只有11-19%的小学教育。

10.In 1969, at the age of 27, Qaddafi led a miptary coup that deposed the rupng King Idris.1967年,27岁的卡扎菲领导了推翻伊德里斯国王的军事政变。