




1.如果 jump NONAME_39 跳转到循环39 if and 如果 jump NONAME_76 跳转到循环76 ...


1.The message will only reappear in the queue when the timeout period expires if, and only if, it has not been deleted by the reading process.只有当超时周期过期时,而且读取消息的应用程序没有删除它,消息才会重新出现在队列中。

2.'I assume that if and when somebody picks this up and goes into mass production it will cost a fraction of that, ' he said.我假如有人能够投资这项发明,并且进行规模化生产,我想成本只有实验室的几分之一。

3.I'd welcome the opportunity to speak with you or a designee to see if and how I might be of help to you.我希望能有机会和您,或者您所指派的人谈谈,来看看我是否对您有用,或者可能怎样为您效劳。

4.Perhaps we think "I took on too much" is not much of an excuse if and when we drop the ball (after all, it was our choice to say yes or no).也许我们认为,如果或当我们犯错误的时候,“我承担过多”并不是一个好借口(毕竟,是我们选择说“是”或“不”)。

5.The authorities were confident, however, that if and when the euro ran into a crisis they would be able to overcome it.然而,各国政府当时自信地认为,如果欧元陷入危机,他们将有能力克服。

6.If and cried after feeding or biting nipples and hold, or slept less than two hours to wake up, all that lack of milk.如果吃奶后还哭,或者咬着奶头不放,或者睡不到两小时就醒,都说明奶量不足。

7.You will encounter many definitions of this sort in this book - set out in terms of the schema "x if and only if y. "在该书中,你会遇到许多这类定义——都是按照“X当且仅当Y”这个模式建立起来的。

8.Now it would be interesting to see, as and when such data becomes available, if and how much consumers are using social networks for search.现在有趣的是,当消费者可以获取这些数据时,又会有多少消费者可能会使用社会网络来进行搜索。

9.If and when I feel differently I'll let you know, and I hope you'll let me know how you feel, too.当我有其他想法时,我会告诉你。我也希望你能告诉我你的感受。

10.He said AGRA was not rupng out GMOs and if and when they were introduced it would be with all the appropriate "safeguards. "他说,AGRA不排斥转基因生物,是否引进,何时引进都会有适当的“安全保障”。