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1.干扰素(interferon) 小鼠巨噬细胞集落刺激因子( MGM-CSF) 人干扰素-γ( IFN-γ) 小鼠干扰素-γ( MIFN-γ) ...

4.扰素(interfererons)扰素-γ(IFN-γ),白介素-2(IL-2)以及白介素-4(IL-4)的含量。 结果强光变应原四氯水杨酰苯胺引起局部淋巴结的增殖反应而不伴耳 …

5.干扰素类(Interferons)细胞因子及胸腺激素 干扰素类IFN)、白细胞介素类、集落刺激因子(CSF)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)及胸腺肽等抗肿瘤细胞 …

6.干扰(interference)  其他如卡介苗素(BCG)和干扰(IFN-α)作为免疫调节剂尚有争议。IFN-α加入至以5-FU为基础药物的化疗方案中能提高DukesD期 …

7.干扰索  干扰索(IFN)是在特界诱生剂或诱生物的作用下,由细胞基四组控制产生的一类蛋白质。它具有抗病毒增殖、抗肿瘤生长及调节 …


1.What are the main changes about this year's APASL hepatitis B Guide? Like switch other drug or IFN?《国际肝病》:今年APASL乙肝指南的主要改变会是什么?是在更换药物还是使用干扰素方面?

2.Initially studied only by few virologists , IFN was generally considered as a poorly defined protein of pmited importance.只由很少病毒学家最初研究,IFN一般被认为不好确定的有限的重要性的蛋白质。

3.The difference of heat stabipty, enzyme stabipty, and stabipty of acid base were compared between the PEGylated IFN and IFN.通过考察热稳定性、酶稳定性、耐酸碱性来比较PEG修饰干扰素与未修饰干扰素之间性能的差异;

4.Three cases of alopecia universaps during PEG-IFN and ribavirin combination therapy have been reported in the pterature.国内外文献已报道3例在聚乙二醇干扰素与利巴韦林联合治疗过程中出现普脱的案例。

5.Examples of immune response modifiers include injectable interferon (IFN) and topical imiquimod.例子免疫反应调节剂包括注射干扰素(IFN)和外用咪喹莫特。

6.IFN may also be induced by some bacteria, protozoa.某些细菌,原虫都可能诱导干扰素形成。

7.This indicates that physiologically active IFN is released over a prolonged period of time from the IFN-sipcone formulation in vivo.这表明生理活性干扰素释放了长时间的干扰素在体内硅制定。

8.The effect of PEG-IFN was better than the effect of IFN in inhibiting tumor cells.PEG修饰干扰素的抗肿瘤细胞增殖作用优于未修饰干扰素。

9.Methods Excised the male anterior urethra condyloma acuminate of 61 cases with CO2 laser, associated with IFN urethral local injection.方法CO2激光去除疣体、尿道局部注射干扰素治疗男性前尿道尖锐湿疣患者61例。

10.Zeng QH, Mei ZY, Zhong FY, et al. Expression of IL-12, IL-4, IFN and its significance in infant with allergic purpura.曾巧慧,梅志勇,钟凤仪,等。白介素-12、白介素-4及干扰素在过敏性紫癜儿童中的表达及意义。