




1.服务器 标签:启动 AIX 标签:代理服务器 Nginx 标签:数据库 Oracle ...

4.负载均衡 Google 穿越搜索.. Nginx 负载均衡 Nginx 配置文件详细说明 ...

5.服务器作为代理 ... [服务器区] nginx 1.1.0 for Linux [软件开发] Java SE Runtime Environment 7.0 ...


1.You can create your own custom formats for ning web logs, to record more information or to make them easier to read.您可以创建自己的网络日志nginx的,自定义格式来记录更多的信息,或者使它们更容易阅读。

2.Linux also provides a built-in kernel-level load balancer which can be used and made highly available in place of nginx.Linux还提供一个内置的内核级负载平衡器,可以使用它替代nginx并使其高度可用。

3.Note that any logs defined in a virtual host will override log directives in the main engine config file.请注意,任何记录在虚拟主机定义将覆盖在主配置文件nginx的日志指令。

4.It is very common to see asynchronous web frameworks use nginx as their web server.异步Web框架使用nginx作为其Web服务器是十分常见的情况。

5.The servers themselves run nginx, which handles static requests and proxies any dynamic requests to mongrel instances.服务器本身运行nginx,来处理静态请求并将任何动态请求委托给混合实例。

6.For a full pst of format variables see the nginx core documentation and the nginx log format documentation .对于充满变数的格式列表看到nginx的核心文件和nginx的日志格式的文件。

7.The Passenger apppcation server port to nginx was another project we sponsored.将Passenger应用服务器移植到nginx这个项目也是我们赞助的。

8.With the configuration in place, service nginx start starts the web server.这个配置准备好后,使用servicenginxstart来启动Web服务器。

9.Nginx's "log_format" directive is what lets you define your own access log setup.Nginx的“log_format”指令是什么让你定义自己的访问日志设置。

10.This completes the process of setting up and testing your nginx proxy service.设置并测试您的nginx代理服务的过程到此结束。