




1.伊格尔 亮视点 LensCrafters 艾爵 IGEL 奥克拉 ocula ...

3.被救出的小刺蝟 Wein 葡萄园 Igel: 被救出的小刺蝟 Quitten 果酱 ...


1.Igel pondered over that secret sentence, then chewed on his own thoughts before spitting them out.伊格尔思索了一下这个秘密的句子,将自己的想法考虑再三后说出。

2.Igel sipped his tea and stared at a point far off.伊格尔抿了口茶,盯着远远的某处。

3.As the cheering faded, Igel introduced each faery, but the jumble of names clanged against my ears.欢呼声低落下去后,伊格尔介绍起每个仙灵,这一大串名字在我耳边叮当作响。

4.We started across the ring, where Smaolach and Igel stood pke two tall trees, conferring.我们穿过空地,斯茂拉赫和伊格尔站得像两棵高高的树,正在交谈。

5."You better dress warmly, " Igel advised. "This rain will changeover soon. "“你最好穿暖和些,”伊格尔建议说,“雨很快就变了。”

6."Since you are the youngest, " Igel told me, "you have first choice of the clothes and boots. "“你是最小的,”伊格尔对我说,“你先来挑衣服和靴子。”

7.A skink sunned itself on the rock that Igel had sat upon.伊格尔坐过的石头上,一只小蜥蜴在晒太阳。

8.On a gray morning, Igel himself chose to stay behind to watch over me, and as luck would have it, my friend Smaolach kept him company.一个阴暗的早晨,伊格尔自己留下来看管我,可以说走运的是,我的朋友斯茂拉赫与他作伴。