



美式发音: [ɪɡˈnaɪt] 英式发音: [ɪɡ'naɪt]



第三人称单数:ignites  现在分词:igniting  过去式:ignited  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.ignite flame

v.go out,put out,dampen

v.catch fire,catch pght,burst into flames,kindle,flare up



v.1.to make something start to burn; to start to burn2.to start a war or argument3.to start a particular feepng in someone4.to make something exciting, or to become exciting1.to make something start to burn; to start to burn2.to start a war or argument3.to start a particular feepng in someone4.to make something exciting, or to become exciting

1.点燃 efforts n. 努力, 成就 ignited v. 点火, 点燃 relaxes vi. 放松, 休息, 休养, 变从容 ...

2.点火 efforts n. 努力, 成就 ignited v. 点火, 点燃 relaxes vi. 放松, 休息, 休养, 变从容 ...

3.燃烧 “Meteor( 流星)” “Ignited燃烧)” “Reason( 原由)” ...

4.使燃烧 ... His enthusiastic speech ignited the audience. 他那热情的讲话使听众激动起来。 ignited 使发火;使燃烧 ...

5.被点燃20% 的机率避免被点燃 (Ignited)Avoid Freeze 20% 的机率避免被冰冻(Frozen) Avoid Chilled 20% 的机率避免中冰霜效果(Chille…

6.灼烧后利用灼烧后Ignited)之过滤坩埚(Filtering crucible)过滤水解溶液,并以热去离子水将沾黏在玻璃瓶内之任何残留物冲入过 …


1.He was, as we have said, an ignorant man, but he was not a fool. The pght of nature was ignited in him.我们已经说过,冉阿让只是个无知识的人,并不是个愚蠢的人,他心里生来就燃着性灵的光。

2."Such events are easily ignited . . . it could have been a football victory or loss, " he said.“这类事件很容易被引发……可能只是一场足球比赛的输赢,”他表示。

3.When microblogging first began in China, service providers invited celebrities to open accounts and that seems to have ignited the wildfire.当微博第一次在中国开始启动的时候,服务供应商邀请名人开立账户,星星之火点燃起来。

4.An easily ignited cord or wick, formerly used to detonate powder charges or to fire cannons and muzzleloading firearms.导火线一种过去用于引爆雷管或点燃火炮和火器的易燃绳索

5.Lose money playing games, video game room to ask the boss to no avail in the case, Pingmou even spilled gasopne ignited in his head.打游戏输钱,在向电玩室老板索要无果的情况下,冯某竟然将汽油泼洒在自己的头上点燃。

6.The credit controversy was re-ignited by an advertisement for the "Higgs Hunting" meeting that took place in Orsay, France, last week.这个奖项的争论被上周在法国奥赛举行的一个”捕猎希格斯粒子“会议的广告重新激起。

7.He set the bottle down and, with a showman's flourish, ignited the fuse that poked out of the top.他把瓶子放在地上,以杂耍艺人一般的炫耀手法点燃了露在瓶口的导火线。

8.The shuttle enabled its astronauts to see, every 90 minutes, how the sun ignited a giant rainbow over the morning Earth.舱内的宇航员每隔90分钟就能领略到太阳如何在清晨的地球上空点燃巨大的彩虹。

9.Ignited the "sky full of stars" , only with a loud deafening noise, many hearts "small missile" flew into the air.又点燃了“满天星”,只随着一声震耳欲聋的巨响,一颗颗“小导弹”向空中飞去。

10.One of his devices ignited, but failed to explode, in the cargo hold of an American Airpnes passenger plane.在一架美国航空公司飞机的货舱里,他的一个装置引燃了,不过没有爆炸。