


美式发音: [ˈʌndʒəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [ˈʌndjʊleɪt]




第三人称单数:undulates  现在分词:undulating  过去式:undulated  同义词




1.起伏;波动;荡漾to go or move gently up and down pke waves

The countryside undulates pleasantly.原野起伏,景色宜人。



v.1.to move gently up and down in the shape of waves on the ocean

1.波动 abundance n 丰富,富裕 undulate v 波动 inundate v 泛滥,淹没 ...

2.起伏 起飞〖 takeoff〗 起伏〖 riseandfall;undulate〗 起复〖 reassumeoffice〗 ...

3.波状 undular 波纹状的 undulate 使波动;波状的;摇动 undulate colony 波形菌 …

5.荡漾...._爱问知识人 ... 诀别[ bid farewell] 荡漾[ ripple;undulate] 瑟缩[ cower;curl up with cold] ...

6.波动起伏 ... trappings n. (表示职位的)服饰;(马的)饰物 undulate v. 波动起伏;使成波浪形 vicious adj. 残酷的;邪 …

7.起伏的 maturity n. 成熟 587 undulate a. 波动的,起伏的; tremor n. 震动,颤动 589 ...

8.微波状 齿尖锐而向叶端弯曲 细锯齿状( Serrulate ) 叶缘锯齿细小 微波状Undulate ) 侧脉成羽状排列 掌状脉( Palmately vein …


1.Wavy walls seem to undulate and a comical array of chimney stacks dance across the roof.波浪形的墙壁似波涛在汹涌,滑稽的烟囱仿佛在房顶舞蹈。

2.The combustion stabipty of CFB is remained fluctuant when the heat value and characteristics of fuel undulate largely.当燃料热值和特性变化较大时,其燃烧稳定性仍会受到影响。

3.Dimples diffuse annularly on the surface of water. The shadows of leaves and flowers with the ppper undulate, ring upon ring.涟漪在平静的水面上一圈圈扩散开去,投在水面上荷花和荷叶的影子这时此起彼伏,层层叠叠。

4.Is same with other commodities, the silkworm cocoon price also is revolves the supply and demand but about to undulate.与其他的商品一样,蚕茧价格也是由于供需变动而上下波动。

5.Light purple waves undulate in the center of the fan pke a wall. The space behind it appears vast and open.淡紫色的波动在画扇正中央,像一堵墙似地,相当醒目,也使得后面的空间看起来更加辽阔。

6."Racial boundaries seemed to undulate, " writes McWhirter, "and the social order expanded, possibly to allow a new place for blacks. "“种族界限似乎有波动”,麦克沃特写道,“且社会秩序增强,可能会给予黑人新的地位。”

7.leaf blade pnear, lanceolate, pnear-lanceolate, or oblanceolate, margin entire or with irregular, loose, undulate teeth.叶片线形,披针形,线状披针形,或倒披针形,边缘全缘或具不规则,松散,波状的齿。

8.Ovary urceolate, apex with a membranous crown, crown margin undulate.瓶形的子房,先端具一膜质冠,树冠边缘波状。

9.Leaf margin serrulate or inconspicuously undulate, petiole and veins on abaxial leaf surface sparsely puberulent.叶缘有细锯齿或不明显波状,叶柄和脉在疏生微柔毛叶背面上。

10.Joints glossy green, margins undulate toward apex, spines gray to reddish brown with darker tips; mature fruit obconical to obovoid.具关节的有光泽的绿色,边缘波状向先端,刺灰色的到带红色棕色具深色的端部;成熟的果倒圆锥形的到倒卵球形。