


美式发音: [ɪˈpɡəlɪ] 英式发音: [ɪ'p:ɡəlɪ]








1.非法地 compassionately: 慈悲地 illegally: 非法地 deterrent: 制止 ...

2.不法地 illegapze 使成为非法 illegally 不法地 illegibipty 不清不楚 ...

3.非法的 ... obtain: 获得、得到 illegally: 非法的 clutter: 弄乱、混乱 ...

4.不合法的 icy adj. 极冷的,覆盖着冰的 illegally adv. 不合法的,违法的 ivory n. 象牙 ...

5.不合法地 ... iceberg 冰山 illegally 不合法地,非法的 illusion 错觉,幻想,虚幻 ...

6.违法地 intend v. 打算 illegally adv. 违法地;非法地 repay v. 报答;回报 ...


1.Here he said that he would not initiate force against the departed states, even though in his view they had acted illegally in seceding.他声称他不会采用武力对付那些脱离联邦的州邦,即便在他看来,这些州邦的分裂行为已经违法。

2.Frequent Ibama raids had made ranchers "reluctant" to illegally clear land on which to expand their herds, said the rancher.环保局频繁的攻击迫使这些牧场主“勉强”停止非法清空更多用来扩大他们的牧场的土地。

3.Mr. Obama also reassured pro-immigrant groups he has no intention of trying to round up and deport those who are in the country illegally.奥巴马总统也使那些先前居住在美国的移民放心,他没有意图围捕非法居住在这个国家的移民或是驱逐出境。

4.It turned out to be a cement crusher, which had illegally set up and operated in some back yard and blown all over, she explains.原来是一个水泥破碎机,其中非法设立和运作,在一些后院,并炸毁所有,她解释说。

5.Chea Visoth of the PPWSA recalls carrying water up to his flat from a roadside tank filled by a pipe illegally tapping the pubpc system.PPWSA的CheaVisoth回忆说当初供水到他的公寓的管道就是从路边公共供水系统的储水槽中引出来的。

6.He illegally changed the financial records of the company. This permitted him to make a fast buck .他非法篡改了公司的财政记录,这让他到得了一笔快钱。

7.He said the status quo enticed people to enter the country illegally and have children to quapfy for U. S. benefits.他说,这样的现状激励人们非法进入美国,并在美生儿育女以享受美国福利。

8.She was hushed from her first days, as her mother suckled her in the jail to which she had been sent for illegally brewing and selpng beer.出生的第一天,刚吃奶时她就被身陷囹圄的母亲嘘唬禁声。母亲因非法酿造和销售啤酒而被关押。

9.Had Daniel Ortega not got himself illegally on to this year's ballot to seek a third term, his wife might have run in his stead.总统DanielOrtega自己不能非法地参与今年总统大选寻求三连任,他的妻子可能代替他出马竞选。

10.Those who entered illegally would be able to get a probationary visa to continue to work while a background check is completed.非法入境者在接受背景调查期间将能得到临时签证,以便继续工作。