


美式发音: [ˈsoʊldʒər] 英式发音: [ˈsəʊldʒə(r)]




复数:soldiers  现在分词:soldiering  过去式:soldiered  搭配反义词

adj.+n.young soldier,american soldier,Israep soldier,former soldier,enemy soldier

v.+n.soldier die,carry soldier,call soldier,identify soldier,soldier fire



soldier显示所有例句n.— see alsofoot soldier

1.军人;(尤指)士兵a member of an army, especially one who is not an officer

soldiers in uniform穿军装的士兵

soldiers on duty值勤的士兵




n.1.someone who is a member of an army; a soldier who is not an officer

1.士兵 S.yair 雅依利 琴盒 Soldier 士兵 Prefox 琴包 ...

2.军人 face 面临 soldier 军人;士兵 break off 中断 ...

3.战士 观察者( Sentinel) 战 士Soldier) 工程师( Engineer) ...

4.兵人 热血青春 / Fighting Spirit 勇士们 / Soldier 东华春理发厅 / Dong-Huachun Barbershop ...

6.兵士 军队〖 army〗 兵士soldier〗 敌寇〖 enemy〗 ...



1.It was a bleached photo of a young soldier with an old submachinegun in his hand.这是一个漂白的照片,一个年轻的士兵与一岁的冲锋枪在他手中。

2.She did this under the nose of an on looking German soldier, convincing him she was simply in the woods picking daisies.有一名德国士兵看着夏萍走入林中,却被她骗过,以为她只是入林里采雏菊。

3.'An American and a Thai man came into my school and I was taken away to miptary training, ' says Bou Than, a former Hmong soldier.“一个美国人和一个泰国人进了我的学校,把我带去参加军事训练,”一名原来的苗族士兵BouThan说。

4.When a plumber came to fix the water pipes in the place, a monk looked up to see him and a soldier is said to have hit him with his belt.有个水管工人来Insein修理水管,有个僧人去找他,据说有个军人用皮带打他。

5.The door opened and a soldier, an older man with fancybadges on his uniform, came in and whispered something in the woman's ear.门开了,一个制服上别着几个勋章的老人走了进来,在那女的耳朵边上说了几句话。

6." Don't fire at me . " the enemy soldier cried , raised both his hands and gave in .敌兵喊道,“别开枪。”他举起双手投降了。

7.The speaker might be a soldier in the jungle, in which case nine miles would be a pretty good hike, rain or no rain.例如说话者可能是一个丛林战士,那样的话,九英里真的是好一场远足哦,而且不管又没有雨。

8.Otzi was thought to be the body of a soldier who fought during WWI but was found to be thousands of years older.起初,人们还以为奥茨是一战的参战士兵,但后来却发现他的年龄已有几千年。

9.A wounded soldier is on his way out of the chaos of battle, and headed for home. The pain arrives as good news.伤兵因外出参战,非常想家,而受伤的疼痛意味着好消息(可以回家)。

10.For all eyes and for all time, it is an expression of the ethics of the American soldier.无论现在还是将来,它都是美国军人道德标准的一种体现。