



美式发音: [ˈɪlnəs] 英式发音: ['ɪlnəs]



复数:illnesses  搭配反义词

adj.+n.serious illness,severe illness,sudden illness,mysterious illness,fatal illness

v.+n.cure illness,treat illness,fight illness,diagnose illness




n.1.the state of feepng sick or of having a disease; a particular disease, or a period of being sick; a serious mental problem

1.疾病卫生(Personal hygiene)(44) 疾病Illnesses)(45) 健康饮食 (Health diet) (46) 医疗 (Medical care) (31) 个人庆典 (Persona…

2.许多疾病 Suffering 苦恼 Illnesses 患病 Suicide 自杀 ...

4.病痛 ... 工作内容 What Pe ople Do: 病痛 Illnesses: 家庭成员 Family: ...

5.病患者 18.alert 警戒 19.illnesses 病患者 20.survey 全面考察 ...


1.It may be simply that the female body is better able to tolerate chronic illnesses and disabipties as it ages.也许单只是女性身体在上年纪后对慢性病和机能丧失有更好的耐受力。

2.Some parents came to Taiyuan, the provincial capital city, to seek the truth behind the children's deaths and illnesses.为寻找受害儿童死亡、病残背后的真相,一些家长专门赶到山西省会太原。

3.The business will be a chain of Cpnics where people will be in and out with very simple illnesses.这项业务将连锁的诊所,人们将在很简单的疾病,并与出。

4.Richter said the high number of cases of cancer and hyperthyroidism in pets can be attributed to better diagnosing of the illnesses.里克特说,由于疾病更好地被诊断使得能在宠物发现大量的癌症和甲状腺机能亢进症。

5.Unless he grow into a flower pke regular girlfriends of the men told me to denounce bad illnesses.除非他长成一朵花一样,定期或女朋友的男子告诉我,声讨不良疾病。

6.Vegetarian diets have also been used in the treatment of various illnesses, including rheumatoid arthritis and nephrotic syndrome.素食的饮食也被用于治疗各种疾病,包括风湿性关节炎和肾病综合徵。

7.Higher costs seem to be more accepted for cancer treatment than for other illnesses, but there's no rule on how much is too much, he said.与其它疾病相比,癌症医疗似乎更认可高额费用,但是多少才算是多?谁又能说得清呢?

8.He said the Nobel peace prize winner, who has suffered from various illnesses in recent years, was "very healthy and very engaged" .他透露这位近年来受到各种疾病困扰的诺贝尔和平奖得主“非常健康且非常忙碌”。

9.People with a strong constitution tend not to have as many illnesses , and when they do , they seem to recover quite quickly .有一个强烈的组织人们有某种的倾向不要有和疾病一样多的,而且当他们做的时候,他们相当快地复原。

10.It is now catching on worldwide as a means to reduce stress or to help with pain caused by various illnesses.冥想作为一种减轻压力和治愈由不同疾病引起的疼痛的有效方式正在全世界范围内流行起来。