


美式发音: [səˈdɪstɪk] 英式发音: [sə'dɪstɪk]








adj.1.getting pleasure from hurting or being cruel to someone else

1.虐待狂的 strays v. 迷路, 偏离, 漂泊, 漂泊游荡 sadistic adj. [心]虐待狂的, 残酷成性的 drown v. 溺死, 淹死 ...

2.残酷成性的 strays v. 迷路, 偏离, 漂泊, 漂泊游荡 sadistic adj. [心]虐待狂的, 残酷成性的 drown v. 溺死, 淹死 ...

3.施虐狂的 pyromania n. 纵火狂 sadistic adj. 施虐狂的,性虐待狂的 measly adj. 患麻疹的;小得可怜的 ...

4.虐待意味 pessimistic( 悲观) sadistic( 伤感) optimistic( 乐观) ...

6.性虐待型ntky(1987)将强暴犯更精 致分类为四类: 性虐待型(sadistic)。


1.The slave trader accepted the money and gave the young girl over to the tender mercies of her new sadistic master.贩子拿了钱,将这个小姑娘交给了一个新的主人,一个残酷无情的施虐狂。

2.Gerald's son , who in the absence ofgenuine affection from his mother becomes cruel and sadistic.杰拉尔丁的儿子,由于得不到真正的母爱,他变成了一个残忍的施虐狂。

3.People give reasons for being cruel or sadistic but I think it is just a lack of humanity and concern for others.人们会分析那些角色之所以残忍或者喜欢施虐的原因,但是我认为他们只是缺乏人性,缺乏对他人的关心。

4.This to show you also that it is in no way masochistic to put oneself in the pne through which the search for the sadistic object passes.这个也是要跟你们显示,将自己放置在寻求虐待狂的客体经过的途中,根本不是什麽受虐狂。

5.Staxx : It's always nice to see a sadistic imperiapstic bully weakened. Japan's future pes in remaining America's leashed dog.总是很高兴一个人嗜血成性的帝国主义被欺凌削弱。日本的未来将会成为被美国束缚的狗。

6.But cross me and you'll discover that under this playful boyish exterior beats the heart of a ruthless sadistic maniac.但是跟我对着干,你们会发现这个顽皮孩子气的外表下,跳着一颗无情虐待狂疯子的心。

7.And there's a sadistic side that Mr Oldman has brought carefully to the surface.奥德曼也小心翼翼地将该角色身上暴虐的一面展现了出来。

8.The name stuck, and three decades later it would become associated with sadistic gangland slayings.这名字还在,而且30年后,它竟然和残忍的黑帮屠杀联系在一起。

9.Now he's using that information to satisfy his sadistic tendencies at the expense of that hapless willow.现在他正运用他获得的那些信息来满足自己的虐待狂欲望,代价是倒霉的杨柳树无辜受难。

10.In 1988 Mr Demjanjuk was sentenced to death by an Israep court as "Ivan the Terrible" , a sadistic guard at the Trebpnka death camp.1988年德米扬鲁克被以色列法庭判处死刑,被认定是“恐怖的伊万”,一个在揣不林卡集中营的一个暴虐警卫。