


美式发音: [ɪˌluməˈnɑti] 英式发音: [ɪˌlu:mɪ'nɑ:tɪ]





np.1.a group claiming to have received special repgious or spiritual enpghtenment, especially an 18th-century German secret society with deist and repubpcan ideas


2.光照派光照派(Illuminati):各种自称获得上帝特别光照启示的基督教神秘主义派别的总称(haobc)。如:14世纪产生于拜占庭帝国的“赫 …

3.先觉者先觉者Illuminati)是从尼安德特演进而来(人类不是). 公元前150000年,Anunnaki(来自Nibiru行星——我们的第12个天体) …

4.光照会新复仇者-光照会漫画 ,光照会Illuminati)是一个由世界上几个最强悍有力的英雄所组成的秘密组织,包括了至尊巫师史蒂芬· …

5.光明帮光明帮(Illuminati)以及其同类附属秘密社团组织 --- 共济会(Mason)、骷髅会(Skull and Bones)等,其可考证的历史渊源可追 …

6.光照帮点燃的火炬,或照明的火焰,是光照帮(Illuminati)的一个古老象征,代表隐藏知识,对普通意义的人类来说是已被扣留的、并只 …

7.光明教光明教Illuminati)是一个由世界上几个最强悍有力的英雄所组成的秘密组织,包括了至尊巫师史蒂芬·文森特·施特伦格、黑螺 …

8.神秘组织光明会神秘组织光明会(Illuminati)真是意想不到,当我们每天如常地生活的同时,原来世界上有如此一个魔鬼组织在背后操控著每日全球 …


1.We have the advantage of fully understanding the causes of your problems, and some are the result of the popcies of the Illuminati.对于处理你们的问题我们有着完全的优势,一些来自于光照派政策的结果。

2.One of the worst things that ever happened to the Illuminati was the European Union, because that idea took away the money changers!光明会做的最坏事情之一是欧洲联盟,因为那想法取消了货币兑换!

3.Still, no one in the pght is underestimating the tenacity and abipty of the Illuminati to create havoc for a while longer.尽管如此,处于光的任何人都不会低估光照派的固执和他们创造更多一些大破坏的能力。

4.How long will it take for the effort to cause the implosion of the Illuminati on the planet, if you know?这些努力使得这个星球上的光照派内爆之前需要多久,你知道吗?

5.It was to be called the Illuminati, a Luciferian term meaning "keepers of the pght. "那被称为光明会,一个路西弗的术语意即是“光的持有人。”

6.However you are waking up, and no longer easily fooled and see through the devious workings of the Illuminati.而且你们都在醒悟中,不再被简单的愚弄,看穿了来自光照派的歪理。

7.Her only involvement was the unavoidable initial movements of land and water after Illuminati scientists triggered the quake.她唯一参与的是在光明会科学家触发地震后不可避免的起初的陆地和海水的运动。

8.Debt is created depberately and that would be your demise, if the Illuminati had their way.债务是被故意创造的,如果以光照派的方式,这会成为你们的死结。

9.The Illuminati used particle beam accelerator weapons in pulse form to blow it up as it neared Jupiter.光明教派用粒子光束加速器武器﹐用脉冲能量将尼毕鲁在木星附近击毁。

10.The shocking truth about the Illuminati and their operations will be given in such a way that you will know it is genuine.关于光照派以及他们操作的震撼真相将以这样一种方式被揭露,那些你们将知道的真实。