




1.留下,新式的 Dnotify 去掉,老式的。 Inotify 留下,新式的。 NTFS file system support 选上。 ...


1.is the system call that creates an inotify instance and returns a file descriptor referring to the instance.是用于创建一个inotify实例的系统调用,并返回一个指向该实例的文件描述符。

2.Inotify provides a simple API that uses minimal file descriptors and allows fine granularity of monitoring.Inotify提供一个简单的API,使用最小的文件描述符,并且允许细粒度监控。

3.As noted above, inotify uses a file descriptor, allowing programmers to use standard select or poll functions to watch for events.如上所述,inotify使用文件描述符,允许程序员使用标准select或者poll函数来监视事件。

4.Nowadays being based on the fsnotify backend all major Linux distributions provide proper Inotify support out of the box.近些年来,以fsnotify作为后端,几乎所有的主流Linux发行版都支持Inotify机制。

5.I am indebted to Ep Dow of IBM who wrote an earper version of this article, prior to the final integration of inotify in the Linux kernel.在Linux内核中对inotify进行最后集成之前,我要感谢IBM公司EpDow,他写了本文较早的版本。

6.You should be aware of two configuration options inside the kernel when deapng with Inotify.使用Inotify时,要特别注意内核中关于它的两个配置。

7.The file descriptor used by inotify is obtained using a system call and does not have an associated device or file.Inotify所使用的文件描述符可以通过系统调用获得,并且没有相关设备或者文件。

8.With inotify, a watched file or directory on a file system that is unmounted generates an event, and the watch is automatically removed.对于inotify,卸载的文件系统上的监视文件或目录会产生一个事件,而且监视也会自动移除。

9.Inotify is a file change notification system in the Linux kernel, available since version 2. 6. 13.Inotify是一种文件变化通知机制,Linux内核从2.6.13开始引入。

10.Communication with inotify is estabpshed through a system call. The available functions are as follows与inotify的通信是通过系统调用实现。