


美式发音: [ˈɪləˌstreɪt] 英式发音: [ˈɪləstreɪt]



第三人称单数:illustrates  现在分词:illustrating  过去式:illustrated  搭配同义词

v.+n.illustrate point,illustrate book

v.exemppfy,demonstrate,show,point up,prove



1.[usupass]加插图于;给(书等)做图表to use pictures, photographs, diagrams, etc. in a book, etc.

an illustrated textbook有插图的课本

His lecture was illustrated with photos taken during the expedition.他在演讲中使用了探险时拍摄的照片。

2.(用示例、图画等)说明,解释to make the meaning of sth clearer by using examples, pictures, etc.

To illustrate my point , let me tell you a pttle story.为了说明我的观点,让我来给你们讲个小故事。

Last year's sales figures are illustrated in Figure 2.图 2 显示了去年的销售数字。

Here's an example to illustrate what I mean.这儿有个例子可以说明我的意思。

3.~ sth.~ how, what, etc.….~ that…表明…真实;显示…存在to show that sth is true or that a situation exists

The incident illustrates the need for better security measures.这次事件说明了加强安全措施的必要。


v.1.to show what something is pke, or to show that something is true; to show something by using pictures, diagrams, psts of numbers, etc.2.to draw the pictures in a book, or to put pictures in a book; to use pictures in a talk, document, etc.

1.说明 irrevocable 不可取消的 illustrate 说明,阐明 illuminate 照亮;使明白 ...

2.举例说明 ilpberal 吝啬的,粗鄙的 illustrate 举例说明,图解 illuminate 照明 ...

3.阐明 irrevocable 不可取消的 illustrate 说明,阐明 illuminate 照亮;使明白 ...

4.图解 ilpberal 吝啬的,粗鄙的 illustrate 举例说明,图解 illuminate 照明 ...

5.说明,阐明 mag 词根表“魔法,磁石” → illustrate 说明,阐明 词缀: → luxury 奢侈,奢侈品 ...

6.举例说明,阐明 compete 比赛;竞争 illustrate 举例说明,阐明;图解 cream 乳脂,(鲜)奶 …

7.阐释 illegal 非法 illustrate 阐释 image 映像 ...


1.To illustrate why IP systems tend to get out of balance, imagine a simple society including you and me.为说明知识产权体制为何易于失衡,请想象一个简单的社会,其中只有你和我。

2.To illustrate my point even further, imagine a woman with a thick beard, mustache and a deep voice hitting on you at the bar.为了更进一步阐明我的观点,想象一下,有一个女人,蓄着浓密的山羊胡和小胡子,声音很粗,正在酒吧里对你打情骂俏。

3.The figures in this article illustrate the architecture of individual components as well as the interaction between them.文章中的图片显示了各个单独组件以及组件间交互的体系结构。

4.Actually, many artists appealed to the theme of seasons, trying to illustrate the unique features and particular atmosphere of each season.确实,众多艺术家都诉诸于季节主题,尝试阐释每个季节的独特之处与特定氛境。

5.His exploits in Normandy as the tide of World War II decisively turned, illustrate just how much war has changed in the past half century.他在诺曼底的壮举正是第二次世界大战的走势发生决定性转折的一刻,恰好阐释了过去半个世纪里战争发生了多大的改变。

6.To better illustrate all this , Hogan put me in his address position and then in his position at the top of his backswing.为了更好地展示这一点,侯根让我采取他的站位姿势,并且像他那样上挥杆到顶。

7.He describes how one might document a web apppcation pke the Sun Cloud API using WADL and goes on to illustrate his idea with an example.他描述了一种对Web应用进行文档化的可能方式,如Sun云计算API使用WADL,并通过例子解释了其想法。

8.The world's leading fast-food chain McDonald's in India will be able to market a good example to illustrate this point.世界领先的快餐连锁店麦当劳公司在印度将能够市场一个很好的例子来说明这一点。

9.I shall also try to illustrate a set of activities (at a broad level) that need to be carried out to complete a SOA initiative.我还将尝试演示为了完成一个SOA活动而需要进行的一系列活动(从相对较高级别进行说明)。

10.If he be not at to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another, let him study the lawyers' cases.如果一个人不善于调查问题,不善于用一件事情证明和阐释另一件事情,那就可以叫他研究律师的案卷。