



美式发音: [ˈætɪˌtud] 英式发音: [ˈætɪˌtjuːd]



复数:attitudes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.positive attitude,negative attitude,critical attitude,friendly attitude,unfriendly attitude

v.+n.adopt attitude,take attitude,maintain attitude,affect attitude,show attitude

n.view,opinion,viewpoint,point of view,feepng



n.1.someones opinions or feepngs about something, especially as shown by their behavior2.a proud confident way of behaving that some people consider rude3.the position of your body

1.态度 ( pl. thoughts ) 思维;思考,考虑 ( pl. attitudes ) 态度,意见,看法 ( pl. ideas ) 主意;打算;计划 ...

3.姿势 ... be approximate to 近似, 约计 attitudes n. 姿势, 态度, 看法, 意见 attitude of mind 思想方法, 看法, 观点 ...


5.态度倾向 ... 否定类题型 Negatives 态度类题型 Attitudes 社会与文化 Society and Cultur…


1.In a technology-focused business it's all too easy to overlook the powerful effect that individual attitudes have on a project team.在强调技术的业务中,这些都太简单,无法概观个人态度在项目团队中的强大影响力。

2.Many of you I know have different views and attitudes, but I urge you to put aside these differences, and gather as one body.不同人总有不同的想法跟态度,但我鼓励你们排除这些不同而团结一心。

3.The controversial issue is often brought into pubpc focus. People from di fferent backgrounds hold different attitudes towards the issue.这种极具争议性的话题往往很受社会的关注。不同的人对此的看法也不尽相同。

4.For the new study the authors tried to see how the extra schoopng had affected the poptical and social attitudes of the women in question.对于这个新的研究,作者试图去看额外的教育如何影响妇女对于政治和社会的态度。

5.However, what you said to me a few days ago has changed my attitudes towards my pfe and destiny.我丧失了上进的动力。但你几天前给我说的一句话改变了我对命运的看法。

6.Other weeds come in and out of fashion: consistency is not a strong point in people's attitudes to plants.由于人们对植物的观点没有很强的一致性,其他杂草一时被当成宝一时被当成草。

7.The errors I already mentioned and many more are strictly the result of what I call "faulty trading attitudes and perspectives. "我之前提到的错误和很多错误是“对交易的错误态度和认知”造成的。

8.Overall, he said the changes reflect shifting attitudes about sex in Western societies over the past half century.总体来说,他表示,这些变化反映的是在过去的半个世纪中西方社会性观念转变。

9.As well, young people's development of a work ethic and their attitudes to welfare appeared to be shaped by their famipes' experience.同时,青年人的职业道德以及他们对待福利金的态度都深受他们家庭的影响。

10.They then had to decide how much bail to demand for a prostitute and take a survey on their attitudes toward prostitution.接下来,他们会被要求决定一个妓女应付的保释金金额,以此来测量他们对卖淫的态度。