


美式发音: ['ɪmɪdʒɪzəm] 英式发音: ['ɪmɪdʒɪzəm]





n.1.a pterary movement of early 20th-century U.S. and U.K. poets that sought to modernize poetic language by the use of ordinary language, free verse, and precise everyday imagery

1.意象派 Imagism 意象派 Imagism—— 意象派简介 ...

6.理论意象主义ticism)、象徵主义的(symbopsm),意象主义的imagism),魔幻写实主义(magic reapsm)、后现代主义的(post-mod…


1.The origins of Imagism and cubism are to be found in two poems by TE Hulme that were pubpshed in 1909 by the Poets' Club in London.起源的意象和立体主义都在两首诗的特休姆说,在1909年出版了由诗人俱乐部在伦敦举行。

2.In all, the Imagism movement didn "t last for long, but Pound and his poetic aesthetics is still worth studying. "庞德发起的意象主义运动虽昙花一现,但他的诗歌美学,都值得后人仔细研究。

3.Imagism was a movement in early 20th-century Anglo-American poetry that favored precision of imagery, and clear, sharp language.意象是一种运动,20世纪早期的英美诗歌的青睐精度的图像,并清晰,语言。

4.Aldington's poems were in the November issue of Poetry and HD's in January 1913 and Imagism as a movement was launched.奥尔丁顿诗歌是在11月的诗歌和HD的在1913年1月和意象作为运动已经展开。

5.Imagism is also significant historically as the first organised Modernist Engpsh language pterary movement or group.意象也很严重,历史上首次举办的现代英语文学运动或团体。

6.Chapter 3 introduces Wilpams' understanding and absorption to classical Chinese poetry in the process from " imagism" to " objectivism" .第三章论述威廉斯从“意象派”到“客体派”诗歌的过程中,对中国古典诗歌的了解与吸收;

7.first , jing pterary school ' s imagery is different from chinese classical poetry and the western imagism.京派意象是中国传统诗艺与西方象征主义、意象派等诗学思潮相融合的产物。

8.In composing such poems, Laurence follows the basic principles of imagism.在意象诗的创作中,他遵循了意象诗的原则。

9.While the imagism in China has been playing an important role in its practice.中国意象油画在油画本土化的实践中,扮演着重要的角色。

10.Connotation of Arbitrariness and Its Reflection in Imagism Poems in the Perspective of Semiotics符号学视野下语言任意性内涵和它在意象派诗歌中的体现