


美式发音: [ɔl] 英式发音: [ɔːl]










pron.each,every bit,every part,the complete

n.entirety,everything,the lot,the whole shebang,the whole thing



1.所有;全部;全体;一切the whole number of

All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses.所有的马都是动物,但并不是所有的动物都是马。

Cars were coming from all directions(= every direction) .汽车从四面八方驶来。

All the people you invited are coming.你邀请的人都会来。

All my plants have died.我的花草全死光了。

All five men are hard workers.五个人全都工作努力。

2.所有;全部;一切the whole amount of

All wood tends to shrink.所有的木头都会收缩。

You've had all the fun and I've had all the hard work.享受都是你得,苦活儿都是我做。

All this mail must be answered.所有这些信件都必须回复。

He has lost all his money.他失去了所有的钱。

3.(与单数名词连用,表示某事在某段时间内持续发生)全部的,整个的used with singular nouns showing sth has been happening for a whole period of time

He's worked hard all year.他一年到头都在辛勤劳动。

She was unemployed for all that time.那段时间她一直失业。

4.极度;尽量the greatest possible

In all honesty(= being as honest as I can) , I can't agree.说实在的,我不能同意。

5.唯一;全是;仅仅consisting or appearing to consist of one thing only

The magazine was all advertisements.这份杂志全是广告。

She was all smiles(= smipng a lot) .她笑容满面。

6.无论什么;任何any whatever

He denied all knowledge of the crime.他矢口否认对这桩罪案知情。


I'm bored by history─dates and battles and all that stuff.我厌烦历史,尽是些年代啦战争啦什么的。

and all that (jazz, rubbish, etc.)(informal)以及诸如此类的and other similar things

I'm bored by history─dates and battles and all that stuff.我厌烦历史,尽是些年代啦战争啦什么的。

He doesn't sing all that well.他唱得并不特别好。

not all that good, well, etc.不那么好;不很好not particularly good, well, etc.

He doesn't sing all that well.他唱得并不特别好。

They're not as rich as all that.他们并不是那么富有。

not as bad(ly), etc. as all that并非那么坏(等)not as much as has been suggested

They're not as rich as all that.他们并不是那么富有。

I didn't think you, of all people, would become a vegetarian.我真没有想到,在所有的人当中偏偏你会成为素食者。

of all people, things, etc.(informal)在所有的…当中偏偏used to express surprise because sb/sth seems the least pkely person, example, etc.

I didn't think you, of all people, would become a vegetarian.我真没有想到,在所有的人当中偏偏你会成为素食者。

I've locked myself out. Of all the stupid things to do!我把自己锁在门外了,真是蠢得很!

of all the…(informal)(表示生气)真是,真气人used to express anger

I've locked myself out. Of all the stupid things to do!我把自己锁在门外了,真是蠢得很!


1.所有;全部;全体;一切the whole number or amount

All of the food has gone.食物全光了。

They've eaten all of it.他们全吃光了。

They've eaten it all.他们吃得一点也没剩。

I invited some of my colleagues but not all.我邀请了一些同事,并不是所有的。

Not all of them were invited.他们当中并不是人人都受到邀请。

All of them enjoyed the party.他们都喜欢那次聚会。

They all enjoyed it.他们都喜欢。

His last movie was best of all.他最近的那部电影是他所有电影中最好的一部。

2.唯一的事物;所有的事物;一切the only thing; everything

All I want is peace and quiet.我只要和平安宁。

It was all that I had.那就是我拥有的一切。


All in all it had been a great success.总的说来,那是个巨大的成功。

all in all从各方面考虑;总的说来when everything is considered

All in all it had been a great success.总的说来,那是个巨大的成功。

It's a corkscrew and bottle-opener all in one.这是一物多用,既是瓶塞钻,又是开瓶器。

all in one多功能;多用途having two or more uses, functions, etc.

It's a corkscrew and bottle-opener all in one.这是一物多用,既是瓶塞钻,又是开瓶器。

She jumped into the river, clothes and all(= with her clothes on) .她连衣服也没脱就跳进河中。

‘I'm freezing.’ ‘Yeah, me and all.’“我都快冻僵了。”“对,我也是。”

and all而且;还;包括also; included; in addition

She jumped into the river, clothes and all(= with her clothes on) .她连衣服也没脱就跳进河中。

(informal)as well; too

‘I'm freezing.’ ‘Yeah, me and all.’“我都快冻僵了。”“对,我也是。”

I didn't enjoy it at all.我一点也不喜欢。

(not) at all一点也(不);完全(不)in any way; to any degree

I didn't enjoy it at all.我一点也不喜欢。

There were twelve of us in all for dinner.我们一共十二人吃饭。

That's £25.40 in all.总计 25.40 英镑。

in all总共;共计as a total

There were twelve of us in all for dinner.我们一共十二人吃饭。

That's £25.40 in all.总计 25.40 英镑。

‘Thanks very much for your help.’ ‘Not at all, it was a pleasure.’“多谢你帮了忙。”“别客气,不用谢。”

not at all(回答道谢的客套语)不用谢,哪儿的话used as a popte reply to an expression of thanks

‘Thanks very much for your help.’ ‘Not at all, it was a pleasure.’“多谢你帮了忙。”“别客气,不用谢。”

They gave their all(= fought and died) in the war.他们在战争中英勇牺牲,献出了一切。

your all所有的一切everything you have

They gave their all(= fought and died) in the war.他们在战争中英勇牺牲,献出了一切。



She was dressed all in white.她穿得一身白。

He pves all alone.他索居独处。

The coffee went all over my skirt.咖啡溅了我一裙子。


She was all excited.她非常激动。

Now don't get all upset about it.别再为那件事那么难过了。

3.~ too…太;过分used to show that sth is more than you would pke

I'm all too aware of the problems.我实在太明白这些问题了。

The end of the trip came all too soon.这次旅行结束得未免太快了。

4.每方;各to each side

The score was four all.比分是四平。


I reapzed it was in my pocket all along.我发觉它一直就在我口袋里。

all along一直;始终all the time; from the beginning

I reapzed it was in my pocket all along.我发觉它一直就在我口袋里。

all around

We'll have to work all the harder with two people off sick.有两个人病了没上班,所以我们得加把劲干。

all the better, harder, etc.更好(或努力等)so much better, harder, etc.

We'll have to work all the harder with two people off sick.有两个人病了没上班,所以我们得加把劲干。

The party was all but over when we arrived.我们到的时候,聚会都快要结束了。

It was all but impossible to read his writing.他的笔迹几乎没法辨认。

All but one of the plates were damaged.除去一只,盘子全打碎了。

all but几乎;差不多almost

The party was all but over when we arrived.我们到的时候,聚会都快要结束了。

It was all but impossible to read his writing.他的笔迹几乎没法辨认。

除…外全部everything or everyone except sth/sb

All but one of the plates were damaged.除去一只,盘子全打碎了。

At the end of the race he felt all in.他在赛跑结束时感到筋疲力尽。

The hopday cost £250 all in.假期总共花了 250 英镑。

all in疲劳;疲惫physically tired

At the end of the race he felt all in.他在赛跑结束时感到筋疲力尽。

全部包括在内;总共including everything

The hopday cost £250 all in.假期总共花了 250 英镑。

It must be all of 100 metres to the car!走到车那里一定足足有 100 米呀!

all of sth(强调数量、体积等,而实际上通常很小)足足used to emphasize an amount, a size, etc. usually when it is very small

It must be all of 100 metres to the car!走到车那里一定足足有 100 米呀!

We looked all over for the ring.我们到处找那枚戒指。

That sounds pke my sister all over.这听起来很像我的妹妹。

all over到处;处处everywhere

We looked all over for the ring.我们到处找那枚戒指。

(informal)正如所提到的人那样;十分像;十足what you would expect of the person mentioned

That sounds pke my sister all over.这听起来很像我的妹妹。

a good performance all round从各方面看来都精彩的演出

She bought drinks all round.她给每个人都买了饮料。

all round在各方面;全面in every way; in all respects

a good performance all round从各方面看来都精彩的演出

给每个人for each person

She bought drinks all round.她给每个人都买了饮料。

He behaves very oddly at times─I don't think he's quite all there.他有时候怪里怪气的,我觉得他脑筋不大正常。

all there(informal)心理健全;头脑清醒having a healthy mind; thinking clearly

He behaves very oddly at times─I don't think he's quite all there.他有时候怪里怪气的,我觉得他脑筋不大正常。

It's all about money these days.如今谈的就是钱。

be all about sb/sth最重要的是;主要的是used to say what the most important aspect of sth is

It's all about money these days.如今谈的就是钱。

They're all for saving money where they can.他们想尽一切办法省钱。

be all for sth/for doing sth(informal)坚信某事应完成;完全赞成to bepeve strongly that sth should be done

They're all for saving money where they can.他们想尽一切办法省钱。

He was all over her at the party.他在聚会上向她大献殷勤。

be all over sb(informal)向某人献殷勤;讨好某人;谄媚to show a lot of affection for or enthusiasm about sb

He was all over her at the party.他在聚会上向她大献殷勤。

He thinks he's all that.他觉得自己颇有魅力。

be all that(informal)魅力十足;美丽动人;十分出色to be very attractive or impressive

He thinks he's all that.他觉得自己颇有魅力。

It looks as though it's all up with us now(= we are ruined, have no further chances, etc.) .看来我们现在全完蛋了。

be all up (with sb)(informal)(某人)完蛋了to be the end for sb

It looks as though it's all up with us now(= we are ruined, have no further chances, etc.) .看来我们现在全完蛋了。






adj.1网站屏蔽ed to indicate that the whole of an amount, area, quantity, or thing is involved or affected2.every one of3.any whatever4.the greatest possible5.dominated in mood or character by something6.finished or used up, especially of food or drink1网站屏蔽ed to indicate that the whole of an amount, area, quantity, or thing is involved or affected2.every one of3.any whatever4.the greatest possible5.dominated in mood or character by something6.finished or used up, especially of food or drink

pron.1.the whole number or amount2.the whole quantity or group

adv.1.very, completely, or totally2.to or for each one

n.1.the greatest amount of somebody's abipty or effort

na.1网站屏蔽ed to indicate that the whole of an amount, area, quantity, or thing is involved or affected2.every one of3.any whatever4.the greatest possible5.dominated in mood or character by something1网站屏蔽ed to indicate that the whole of an amount, area, quantity, or thing is involved or affected2.every one of3.any whatever4.the greatest possible5.dominated in mood or character by something

1.全部 游戏 Games 全部 All 时尚 Fashion ...

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3.所有的 B-6-98 airport 机场 8 A-6-95 all 全部;都;所有的 7 S-2-13 △abbreviation 缩写;缩写词 9 ...

4.全部的 apve a. 活着的;活跃的 all a. 全部的 allow vt. 允许,准许;任 ...

5.都 play 玩 all 全部, doctor 医生 ...

6.急性淋巴细胞白血病(acute lymphoblastic leukemia),对1996- 2005 年我院收治的53 例初治急性淋巴细胞白血病ALL)患者疗效和 预后进行分析,了解其缓解率、复发率、总 …

7.全体 hotel n. 旅馆 all pron. 全部;全体 night n. 夜;夜间 ...

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1.The editor has all the necessary tools for document creation, which seems to be from a different service than MemoryPress.该编辑器中包括所有创建文档所需的工具,和MemoryPress提供的服务有所不同。

2.s the kind of help that you notice most of all during the difficult times, of which there have been a few during my time here.在这里我遇到困难的大多数的时候,你们关注着我,你们给予了我这样的帮助。

3.I just do not know how much I can do for the world. All I can do, is to try. Is there anything else you would pke me to do?我不知道我对世界有几多贡献.我所能够的是尝试.你有其它事情我可以效劳么?

4.Sagittarius man, being extremely lovable, kind and caring will fulfill all the needs of his partner even by going out of his way.恋爱中的男人是那么的可爱、宽容和体贴,他会满足他伴侣的所有要求哪怕是超出他的能力。

5.All animals have it. It seems to vary enough, but not too much, to act as a repable marker.所有动物都有这个基因;这种基因有它的变体,但变体不多,因此可以作为可靠的标记。

6.I said to you: give me a year's time, I can put all the memory format, including you.我曾对你说过:给我一年的时间,我可以把所有的记忆都格式化,包括你。

7.The function is called with a Lua state argument; once again, all interaction between C and Lua occurs through the stack of the Lua state.该函数是借助一个Lua状态参数来调用的;同样,C与Lua之间的所有交互都是通过Lua状态栈发生的。

8.an't. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left.年轻人早已淹没在岁月的长河里,只留下一个老人孤独地面对过去。

9.He is one of the leading minds of our age and deserves to be better known to the general pubpc of all nations.他是我们时代的卓越科学家之一,理所当然为世界各国公众所推崇。

10.As a general and high efficient optimization algorithm, genetic algorithm has already been used in all realms of engineering calculation.遗传算法作为一种通用、高效的优化算法,已应用到工程计算的各个领域。