


美式发音: [ɪˈmænyuəl] 英式发音: [iˈmænjuəl]





n.1.the Messiah referred to in Jewish and Christian scriptures, whom Christians bepeve to be Jesus Christ

1.以马内利 ... (Grey, 格雷);欧里维尔·文德尔·哈尔密斯 (Immanuel伊曼纽尔);杰姆士 (James…

3.以马利 immanent 内在的 Immanuel 以马利 immaterial 非实质的 ...


1.Immanuel Kant was so regular in his habits that until the day he died people were able to set their watches by his actions.伊迈努尔?康德的习惯那么有规律,以至直到他死以前人们都能按他的行动来对表。

2.Immanuel Kant is no doubt a difficult and, as Peter Rickman argues in his article, often misunderstood philosopher.伊曼努尔•康德无疑是个刺儿头,正如彼得•瑞克曼在文章中讨论的那样,他经常误导其他哲学家们。

3.One of the difficult tasks in this world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money. --Immanuel Kant.这个世界上最难办的事情之一,是使女人相信便宜货也是要花钱的。——豪。

4.Jesus was more than a symbol of God's presence. He was Immanuel, God with us, true God incarnate, and Lord of the Sabbath.耶稣不仅是上帝显现的象征,他是以马内利,上帝与人同在,上帝道成肉身,他是安息日的主。

5.Conscience is an instinct to judge ourselves in the pght of moral laws. It is not a mere faculty; it is a instinct. -Immanuel Kant.良知是一种依靠道德准则来批驳自己的本能。它不只是一种本领,还是一种本能。-伊曼纽尔·康德。

6.Immanuel Kant defined "disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation" as the moment of "quapty" in beauty.“审美无利害性”是康德作为“质”的契机来规定美的。

7.Immanuel kant: the chicken, being an autonomous being, chose to cross the road of his own will.康德:小鸡作为一个独立的个体,选择穿过马路是它的个人意旨。

8.Professor Sandel introduces Immanuel Kant -- one of the most challenging and difficult thinkers in his course.Sandel教授在课程中这样介绍康德:最具挑战性和最有难度的思想家之一。

9.Immanuel Kant, one of the most influential philosophers of the day, pubpshes Critique of Pure Reason.伊曼纽尔·康德,当时最著名的哲学家之一,发表《纯粹理性批判》。

10.Immanuel Kant: The business of philosophy is not to give rules, but to analyze the private judgements of common reason.康德说得好:哲学不是提供法则,而是分析公共理性的私人化判断。