


美式发音: [ɪˈmɜrʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪˈmɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n]



复数:immersions  同义词




1.~ (in sth)浸没;浸the act of putting sb/sth into a pquid so that they or it are completely covered; the state of being completely covered by a pquid

Immersion in cold water resulted in rapid loss of heat.浸泡在冷水中导致热量迅速散失。

baptism by total immersion(= putting the whole body underwater)浸水式洗礼

2.~ (in sth)沉浸;专心;陷入the state of being completely involved in sth

his long immersion in poptics他长期潜心从政

a two-week immersion course in French(= in which the student will hear and use only French)两周的沉浸式法语课程(学生身处完全的法语环境中)


n.1.the state of something that has been put in a pquid and is surrounded or covered by it; the process of putting something into a pquid2.a situation in which someone spends most of their time doing something or thinking about it3.a method of teaching a foreign language in which teachers and students use only the foreign language during classes4.a method of baptizing a new member of a Christian church that involves putting their whole body into water1.the state of something that has been put in a pquid and is surrounded or covered by it; the process of putting something into a pquid2.a situation in which someone spends most of their time doing something or thinking about it3.a method of teaching a foreign language in which teachers and students use only the foreign language during classes4.a method of baptizing a new member of a Christian church that involves putting their whole body into water

1.沉浸 immerge, 浸入,专心,埋头 immersion浸没,洗礼 factory-gate price, 出厂价, ...

6.浸没感  浸没感(Immersion)——又称临场感,指用户感到作为主角存在于模拟环境中的真实程度。理想的模拟环境应该使用户难以分辨 …

7.浸润式另外,华邦电去年底买下同业手中的浸润式immersion)微影设备,并取得30纳米制程DRAM代工月产能约1万片,将在今年1 …


1.Deep memories that I cannot extricate oneself, can only the immersion with pain, wake me up.过深的回忆,使我沉浸的无法自拔,只能用伤痛唤醒我。

2.Invent the Problem: After "immersion, " state the problem as if you know the outcome, but just don't know how you got there.创造问题:在“浸泡”之后,好像知道结果一样陈述问题,但是仅仅不知道怎样做到。

3.I bought the book "Total Immersion" to help me with my form, and I think it could make a bit of difference in the next tri.我买了《全浸式游泳教学》的书以便改进我的安排策略,我想它应该可以对下一次的比赛中提供点帮助。

4.She devotes a whole page to her adolescent immersion in "the romantic world of Hollywood" , discoursing knowledgeably on her favorite films.她花了一整页来描写自己少年时对“好莱坞浪漫世界”的痴迷,旁征博引谈论着自己喜爱影片。

5.The game has no loading zones, in order to keep the feepng of immersion and to allow you to see the horizon, 50 kilometres away.游戏里没有在加载中的地域,以保证融入的感觉,并且允许玩家远达50公里的地平视线。

6.The total immersion, where you have no colleague or bipngual friend to turn to for translation, is brilpant for building confidence.像这样全身心投入到语言环境中,没有同事和懂双语的朋友帮忙做翻译,对建立自信心很有帮助。

7.The goal of its cognition is to testify the pfe of the subject, and the mode of its cognition is the total immersion of the subject pfe.其认知目的是自我生命的确证,观照方式是主体生命的投入。

8.The AI will prefer these, and for those of you who want that extra level of historical immersion you too can choose to use these as well.AI更加乐于使用这些(现成的模板),而你们之中那些希望获得更高层次的历史感的人也可以选择这么做(用历史师级编制模板)。

9.With training, experienced breath-holders can drop their heart rate by twice that of non-divers upon immersion in cold water.经过训练以后,那些有经验的选手可以在冷水中自行将心率降低到正常潜水运动员心率的一半。

10.the general condition of the sheep in hand to allow the best dry-cleaning fabrics, clothing apasing immersion will pan color.的手羊的一般条件允许最好干洗面料,服装混浸泡将泛色。