


美式发音: [ɪmˈpælə] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpɑːlə]






1.黑斑羚(栖息在非洲,角弯曲)an African antelope with curled horns

n.1.【动】黑斑羚 (Aepyceros melampus)

n.1.a type of African antelopean animal with long curved horns and long thin legs

1.黑斑羚 Ikarus 伊卡露斯 Impala 英帕拉 Imperial 帝国 ...

3.高角羚 iguana 鬣蜥 impala 高角羚 ibex 西班牙羚羊 ...

4.羚羊 雪佛兰 Code 雪佛兰 Impala 雪佛兰 Tru ...

6.黑斑羚图片 大型猫科动物图片 BIG cat 黑斑羚图片 impala 晚上干的工作图片 nightwork ...

7.黑羚羊 offspring 后代 impala 黑羚羊 banquet 宴会 ...

8.黑臀羚羊 ... ★ herd n. 群 ★★★ impala n. 黑臀羚羊 ★★ stalk vi. 暗中追踪,寻找 ...


1.Finally I said, "We had one of those, " though I was sure ours was an Impala.最后我说,“我们也有辆那个车,”虽然我很清楚,我们的是英帕拉。

2.Okay, so the hungry leopard goes out and kills yet another impala and is trying to drag it up the tree.好的,那么饥饿的豹子再出去杀死另一只黑斑羚,并试图把它拖上树。

3.The woman told popce that McCoy said he left his wallet in her car and asked for keys. He then sped away in the 2000 Chevrolet Impala.麦科伊说他钱包忘在女子车内,并让女子给他车钥匙去取,谁知该男子开着她的2000雪佛兰黑斑羚逃之夭夭。

4.If you've ever experienced the joy of being told that your rental car is a Toyota Corolla rather than a Chevrolet Impala, you know this.这是个不争的事实。如果你租一辆车,你也会想要租丰田花冠而不是雪弗莱英帕拉。

5.Unfortunately, due to the lack of water, waterbuck, impala, buffalo, warthog, cattle, donkeys and sheep have begun to die everyday.不幸的是,因为水源干枯,非洲大羚羊、黑斑羚、野牛、疣猪、牛、驴和羊,每天面临死亡。

6.These extraordinary scenes followed, as the cheetahs played with the young impala the way a domestic cat might play with a ball of string.于是就出现了这些戏剧性的场面。猎豹与小黑斑羚嬉戏的方式非常像家猫玩弄毛线团的样子。

7.The stuff in the Federal Express package, I tell Tyler in the Impala, that was the same stuff we made soap out of.我坐在车里对泰勒说,联邦快递包裹里的就是我们用来做肥皂的东西。

8.Wild animals are often killed illegally for bush meat. The shacks by the flower farms sell impala meat to the hard-pressed workers.人们为了能够享受美味会非法屠杀野生动物,在鲜花种植区附近的小铺子就有黑斑羚鲜肉卖给那些苦命的工人。

9.I pondered this earper today, as I watched the pons devour the buffalo, the leopard attack the impala, the baboons steapng breakfast.今天的早些时候我在思考,那时候,我看着狮子们正在吞食河马、豹子袭击大龄路、狒狒偷我的早餐。

10.Another way this Saturday night could be worse, Tyler tells me in the Impala, is the brown recluse spider.还有个法子可以让这个礼拜六更糟,泰勒在车里告诉我,那就是棕色隐遁蜘蛛(brownreclusespider)。