


美式发音: [ɪmˈpendɪŋ] 英式发音: [ɪm'pendɪŋ]




adj.+n.impending crisis,impending arrival,impending attack,impending danger,impending disaster


adj.imminent,looming,in the near future,approaching,future



1.即将发生的;迫在眉睫的that is going to happen very soon

his impending retirement他即将到来的退休

warnings of impending danger/disaster对马上到来的危险╱灾难的预警


adj.1.an impending event or situation, especially an unpleasant one, is one that will happen very soon

1.即将发生的 suspension n 中止;停学 impending a 即将发生的 expend v 花费 ...

2.迫近的 impend 迫近 impending 迫近的 indispensable 绝对必要的 ...

3.逼近的 pending 即将发生的,未决的 impending 行将发生的,逼近的 winding 蜿蜒的,迂回的 ...

4.迫在眉睫的 ... chicanery n.诈骗 impending a.迫近的,迫在眉睫的 immolation n.杀戮 ...

5.行将发生的 pending 即将发生的,未决的 impending 行将发生的,逼近的 winding 蜿蜒的,迂回的 ...

6.即将来临的 homicidal 杀人的 impending 迫近的,即将来临的 in charge of 负责...的,看管... …

7.即将到来的 ... 5. adored v. 崇拜, 爱慕, (口语)喜爱 6. impending adj. 即将到来的 7. prompt adj. 迅速的, 及时的 ...


1.His impending suicide was premeditated and not a spur-of-the-moment thing as he'd tried to have himself bepeve.他即将自杀是有预谋而不是一个短枝型矩的事,因为他要试图有自己相信。

2.But Wood said the U. S. government decision is no surprise to Beijing, as the Chinese were briefed "several" times about the impending deal.不过WOOD说,美国政府的决定对北京来说并不突然,因为中国人已经“数次”被告知了这一迫近的交易。

3.They have a highly developed sense of smell and also seem to have a sixth sense about impending danger from storms and avalanches .它们拥有很好的味觉。也对迫近危险的暴雨或雪崩有种第六感。

4.Even under the impending edge of the knife of disaster, he might be able to think more, and more, and more.即使是灾难的刀锋快架到他头上来,他还能多想想,多想想,再想想。

5.The incentive behind this is the impending economic disaster which threatens to engulf the entire planet and, with it, the dark cabal.隐藏其后的是迫在眉睫的经济灾难,正在威胁着整个地球,并与它的黑暗阴谋集团。

6.There was another place in which Laura was to rise and, with a sense of impending disaster, say, sadly.接下来又有一处,罗拉应该悲伤地预感到灾难迫在眉睫,站起身来幽幽地说。

7.I broke to my mother the news of my impending doom, but it did not seem to disturb her much.我忙把这大祸临头的噩耗向我母亲吐露,但她似乎并不慌张。

8.Chandler: You can always spot someone who's never seen one of his plays before. Notice, no fear, no sense of impending doom. . .因为你以前没有看过他的节目,所以现在可以激动一下啊。注意,不要害怕,不要感觉像世界末日来临…

9.Although that does imply that you cannot rely upon your leaders to tell you about impending danger, the intent is insidious: Be fearful!其实这些就在暗示你们无法从你们的领导者那里得到答案,告诉你们关于迫近的危险,这个意图是阴险的:请多加小心!

10.If the Tories win the impending general election, he said, there will not be a plebiscite of any kind on Europe.他表示,在本次大选中,如果保守党能当选,则该党不再就任何欧洲问题进行公投。