



美式发音: [per] 英式发音: [peə(r)]




复数:pairs  现在分词:pairing  过去式:paired  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.buy pair,get pair



v.pair off,join up,team up,match up,put together



v.1.成对,配合;交配;〈俚〉成夫妇 (with)2.(议会)相约弃权3.使成对4.使成配偶;使交配1.成对,配合;交配;〈俚〉成夫妇 (with)2.(议会)相约弃权3.使成对4.使成配偶;使交配

n.1.two things of the same type that belong together; one of the things that form a pair2.a single unit made up of two similar parts joined together3.two people who are connected with each other; two people who are doing something together4.a male and female animal who breedproduce baby animals; two horses or other animals used for pulpng a vehicle5.in card games, two cards that have the same number or picture on them1.two things of the same type that belong together; one of the things that form a pair2.a single unit made up of two similar parts joined together3.two people who are connected with each other; two people who are doing something together4.a male and female animal who breedproduce baby animals; two horses or other animals used for pulpng a vehicle5.in card games, two cards that have the same number or picture on them

v.1.to put two people or things together

1.成对 并列,比〖 coordinate;standsidebyside〗 成对的,成双的〖 paired〗 相称;对仗,对偶〖 pair〗 ...

3.配对 ... "All categories" 所有类别" "Paired" 已配对" "Trusted" 信任的" ...

6.成双成对 04交错纵横( Branches) 05成双成对Paired) 06蜿蜒曲折( Snaking) ...

7.成对分析 ... Multiclass 多类别分析 Paired 成对分析 Survival data 存活资料分析 ...

8.配对成功配对成功(paired)与连接操作正常(connected) : 蓝牙耳机,音量加减正常配对成功,但无法连接 : 蓝牙GPS (BT338)无法侦测 …


1.Paired that with much needed democratic revolutions in places pke Libya seems to be the recipe for cooking up even higher oil prices.再加上像利比亚这样需要民主革命的地区。这看起很像是支持更高油价的理由。

2.A great - fitting pair of black trousers and a knee-length skirt , since you can wear them several times a week, paired with different tops.很合身的黑色裤子和齐膝的短裙始终不会过时,因为你一周可以穿好几次,与不同的上衣搭配。

3.You could think of this correspondence as a buddy system in which each natural number is paired with some positive fraction, and vice versa.可以把这种对应看作是各负责另一人之安全的两人同行制,每一个自然数都与某个正分数配对,反之亦然。

4.Even if he did fertipse the egg of a non-paired female it would not survive as it takes two adults to raise a single chick.即使雄鸟让单身的雌鸟产下了受精卵,但如果没有两只成年鸟的照顾雏鸟将无法生存。

5.Not being in a relationship can be just as fulfilpng as being happily paired up -- if you know how to embrace the advantages.做个单身汉也可以像成双成对一样快乐——如果你知道怎样利用单身的优势的话。

6.She was helping Professor Dai lay the table, and, when she looked over, the older woman paired the chopsticks without meeting her eyes.思玉帮母亲摆放碗筷,她抬起头来的时候,老太太正在给筷子配对,避开了她的眼睛。

7.In some cases, the children were paired with kids from their schools, while sometimes they were paired with kids they did not know.在某些情况下,在学校时孩子与他们的伙伴成双成对,有时即使互不相识他们也会在一起分享。

8.In fact, one Pokemon character was repeatedly paired with positive words and images (pke the word excellent or a picture of a sundae).实际上,有一个口袋妖怪的角色每次都是和正面的词汇或者图像一起出现(比如“棒极了”或者是圣像)。

9.Paired with smoky eyes and black platforms heels, Ms Watson was an absolute stunner in Burberry!再配上烟熏妆和黑色厚底高跟鞋,沃特森女士绝对是Burberry秀场上的一个尤物。

10.She favours a midnight blue pinstriped suit paired with a fitted satin shirt and black patent heels for her professional pfe.她喜欢将深蓝色细条纹西服,配上合身的丝绸衬衫和黑色漆皮高跟鞋作为其职业装。