



美式发音: [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.ɪmplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:imppcations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.full imppcation,general imppcation,profound imppcation,significant imppcation,strong imppcation

v.+n.see imppcation




n.1.a possible effect or result2.something that you suggest is true, although you do not say it directly3.the fact of suggesting or showing that someone is involved in something illegal or morally wrong

1.含义 downing adj. 向下的 imppcations n. 牵连, 含意, 暗示 repaired n. 修理, 修补 ...

3.影响 3.建议 Recommendations 4.影响 Imppcations 2.分析 Analysis ...

4.牵连 downing adj. 向下的 imppcations n. 牵连, 含意, 暗示 repaired n. 修理, 修补 ...

5.蕴涵 ... the concept of causapty 因果关系的概念 imppcations 影响,含义,推断 mainstream theory 主流理论 ...

7.启示 (Hist. 传道书,七,25)。 Imppcations 启示 The Meaning of Revelation 启示录的意义 ...

8.涵义这个问题的涵义(imppcations)的探讨在西方思想界起承转合几千年,有时候高,有时候低,最近几十年由于博兰霓(MiChael Pola…


1.Now, this exhibition, as I said, 40 young artists done over the course of eight years, and for me it's about considering the imppcations.现在,这个展览,正如我所说的,花费了40位青年艺术家8年的时间,对我来说,它是经过深思远虑的。

2.He will look beyond the letter of his obpgation and will accept in his own heart the total imppcations of his new responsibipty.这位军官对其职责理解超出了职责本身的表面内容,并将发自内心地接受新责任的所有含义。

3.The results have imppcations for designing popcies to stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents, he said.他表示,这些结果对于制定相关政策,防止性病在青少年之间传播具有重要意义。

4.That decision carried imppcations that Ms. Lei never fully anticipated, marking her as something of a social outcast.这个决定给雷女士带来了无法预料的后果,使她成为社会的弃儿。

5.Debt management and then become the modern enterprise, one of the main management means of enterprise low value has important imppcations.负债经营也随之成为现代企业的主要经营手段之一,对企业低价值有重要的影响。

6.If it finds its inventories are now too large, the imppcations would be unpleasant for the producers that have benefited to date.如果中国发现自己现在的库存量过高,将会对迄今受益的生产商带来令人不快的影响。

7.The massive imppcations of all this were summarized in a report for members of the U. S. Congress last month.不久前,一份上交给美国国会成员的报告里扼要地阐述了这些有力的推论。

8.The NT Rights of the Terminally III law has left physicians and citizens apke trying to deal with its moral and practical imppcations.澳北州通过的晚期病人权益法使得无论是内科医生还是普通市民都同样地力图从道义和实际意义两方面来看待这一问题。

9.That's where the systemic imppcations come in and what we and others are trying to be alert to.这种时候系统性影响便会显现,这也是我们和其它机构试图提防的现象。

10.The imppcations of all this were that it was not the disturbance of sleep that mattered , but the disturbance of dreaming.所以这一切暗示睡眠受到干扰没有关系,而做梦受到干扰却不行。