


美式发音: [ˈpeɪpərˌbɔɪ] 英式发音: ['peɪpərbɔɪ]






n.1.a boy who depvers newspapers to people's homes, or who sells newspapers

1.报童 Worms / 百战天虫 Paperboy / 送报童 Apen Hominid HD / 外星原人 ...

4.送报人 ... He is a gregarious guy 他是一个合群的人 paperboy n. 报童,送报人 hard hat 安全帽 ...

5.送报生 ... Pac-Man 小精灵 Paperboy 送报生 Pesterminator 偷看扑克 ...

6.派报童 反击足球 Striker by Rage Soccer 派报童 Paperboy 2 立体食鬼 Faceball 2000 ...

7.送报员 Sugar drinks 含糖饮料 Paperboy 送报员 Venison 鹿肉 ...

8.送报童一代 帕特火爆篮球 Pat Riley Basketball 送报童一代 Paperboy 送报童二代 Paperboy II ...


1.For example, what if I (as the original article's author did) added in an evil paperboy to ravage unsuspecting customer wallets?例如,如果我(像原文章的作者所做的那样)添加了一个坏报童,去抢劫那些不知情客户的钱包,又会怎么样?

2.Monica and Rachel, low on funds, make cookies to give instead of cash as hopday tips to the paperboy, the mailman, the superintendent, etc.莫妮卡和瑞秋为了省钱,做了些饼干代替圣诞节小费,支付给报童、邮差和管理员等等。

3.That bloody paperboy - why does he always depver so late? It's not pke he has a huge round to do.那个可恶的报童——他为什么总是送得那么晚?好像他要送的地方并不多吧。

4.Andy took his first job as a paperboy at age 11.安迪11岁时就做报童,这是他的第一份工作。

5.When his family moved to Washington, Buffett became a paperboy for The Washington Post.当他的家人搬到华盛顿,巴菲特成了华盛顿邮报的报童。

6.Johnny has a job as a paperboy, but he wants a job in a gas station.约翰尼有一个报童工作,但他想在一个加油站工作。