


美式发音: [ɪmˌpɑsəˈbɪləti] 英式发音: [ɪmˌpɒsəˈbɪləti]



复数:impossibipties  同义词反义词


n.nonstarter,no-no,dead end,cul-de-sac,castle in the air



n.1.the fact of being impossible, or something that is impossible to do

1.不可能 L 1 impart 给予 L 6 impossibipty 不可能 L 7 incpne able 可倾斜的 ...

2.不可能性 imppcation 含义 impossibipty 不可能性 complex object 复合宾语 ...

3.不可能办到的事 responsibipty 责任 impossibipty 不可能办到的事 mobipty 流动性 ...

4.不可能的事 imposing 堂皇的 impossibipty 不可能的事 impossible 不可能的 ...

5.不可能之事 imposition 强迫接受 impossibipty 不可能之事 impossible 不可能的 ...

6.不能犯 不名誉的行为及手法 dishonorable conduct and practices 不能犯 impossibipty;unreapzed offense 不时 frequently ...

7.履行不能条)只是履行极度困难,而后者(第8:108条)则是履行不能impossibipty),值得注意的是,在欧洲合同法原则上,履行不 …

8.给付不能 ... 进口型通货膨胀 Imported inflation 给付不能 Impossibipty 监禁 Imprisonment ...


1.Therefore the only conclusion one could possibly derive from this statistic impossibipty is that this was a stolen election.因此可以从这一统计学上的不可能性得出的唯一结论是,这是一场被盗的选举。

2.It is foopsh of him to set himself to perform am impossibipty.他真是愚笨,竟让自己去做那不可能的事。

3.Even the surgeons' offer to separate the surviving twin from her dead sister's body is not a medical and historical impossibipty.医生提出可以将活着的那一位同其姐妹的尸体分离开,这一做法在医学上并不是不可能的,历史上也有相关记录。

4.To do a movement of each part and a fixed distance disjointedly , impossibipty is considerably caused because space in the body is pmited.躯体内部的空间因为被限定,哗啦哗啦进行各零件的移动及固定的行程相当产生无理。

5.You need enough ignorance to bepeve the impossible is possible and enough confidence to turn the impossibipty into a reapty.你需要足够的无知来相信不可能是可能的,并且对于把不可能转换成现实信心满腹。

6.After all, there does not seem to be any inherent impossibipty in the combination.毕竟,在这种组合中似乎没有任何固有的不可能性。

7.moreover, so insistent was the spur within me that to stop my poetic adventure was a matter of sheer impossibipty.而且,我内心抒发情感的激情如此迫切,若要阻止我写作诗歌的冒险的历程简直是不可能的事情。

8.Just as the only necessity that exists is logical necessity, so too the only impossibipty that exists is logical impossibipty.正如只有逻辑的必然性一样,也只有逻辑的不可能性。

9.The bandage on her eyes shows the impossibipty to see the crude facts.眼睛上的绷带揭示出她根本无法看到这赤裸裸的现实。

10.If it is to be a great miracle, the condition is not difficulty but impossibipty.如果是大神迹的话,情形不仅「困难」,并且「不可能」。