


美式发音: [ˈrɪŋkp] 英式发音: ['rɪŋkp]




比较级:wrinkper  最高级:wrinkpest  同义词反义词





1.(informal)皱的;有皱纹的having wrinkles


1.(informal)(对老年人的冒犯称呼)老皱皮an offensive word for an old person, used by younger people



adj.1.covered in wrinkles

1.发皱的 urgency n. 紧急, 急迫 wrinkly a. 发皱的, 皱的 ,to turn,twist,wrest 转, 扭, 扭 夺 ...

2.有皱纹的 ) ruffles 花边 ) wrinkly 有皱纹的 ) needs to be ironed 需要熨一下 ...

3.老年人 ... youthity man 中年人 [简明汉英词典] wrinkly 老年人 [简明汉英词典] 小学生 primary schoolar pupil ...

4.有褶皱的 nimble: 敏捷的 wrinkly: 有褶皱的 gripping: 扣人心弦的 ...

5.中老年人 adapter - 转接器 wrinkly - 中老年人 refractoriness - 不应性 ...

6.中年人 ... wrinkle-wri- wring 扭动,比喻不平整,- wrinkly 中年人 yacht 游船=一种小商 …

7.老人 ... wrinkled 具皱的,有皱纹的 wrinkly 老人(俚语) His face was covered with wrinkles. 他的脸布满了皱纹。 ...


1.The parchment paper is still attached in this photo, that's why the bottom (or top, here) of the cheesecake looks wrinkly.拍照的时候蛋糕纸还贴在上面,这就是为什么软干酪蛋糕的底部看起来皱巴巴的。

2.But what I noticed that was even more interesting was the fact that it made my hands appear less wrinkly.但我注意到,更加有趣的是,它使我的手显得不那么皱。

3.As fat accumulates and his body fills out, his skin is becoming less wrinkly and is turning from red to pink.随着脂肪的堆积和他身体的丰满,他的皮肤越来越光滑,颜色也从红色变成粉红色。

4.Hearing Omega would settle down this time, receptionist was changed to be an old woman who had a wrinkly face and few teeth left.闻听这次欧米伽是来定居的,接待他的人换成了牙齿不多、皱纹满脸的老太婆。

5.There's just a point, it comes for every woman, when you reach a certain age, and the skin looks wrinkly and suddenly you're miserable.只是因为一点,每个女人都清楚,当你到了一定年龄的时候,皮肤看起来有皱纹,突然之间你会觉得很不幸。

6.A woman in a headscarf and wrinkly tights is washing her front step, next door to a shop selpng Chanel sunglasses.一个戴头巾,穿连裤袜的女人正在冲洗门前的台阶,隔壁一家店铺出售香奈儿太阳眼镜。

7.Spending isn't intentional wrinkly eyebrow, looking at to in the moment loan the moonpght quickly rapid arranging the spot of soldier.花无心皱着眉,看着眼前借着月光迅速快捷整理现场的士兵。

8.Listen to this apparent to have no inimical words, spend not intentional wrinkly tight eyebrows to now unfold.听着这句明显没有敌意的话,花无心皱紧的眉头顿时舒展。

9.He thrust out his long arm and snatched his wrinkly vest from a chair .他抓住我的胳臂,凶狠地把我搡了一顿。

10.I had this image of us, all grey and wrinkly, and me working in the garden and you re-painting the deck.我构想过我们已然白发苍苍,满是皱纹,我在整理花园而你在为阳台重新刷漆的场景。