


美式发音: [ɪmˈpɑstər] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpɒstə(r)]



复数:impostors  同义词反义词

n.the real McCoy




1.冒名顶替者;冒名行骗者a person who pretends to be sb else in order to trick people


n.1.someone who pretends to be someone else, in order to trick people

1.冒名顶替 gyp 【口】诈欺行为;诈欺者 impostor 冒名顶替者,骗子 lurcher 小偷,骗子,间谍 ...

4.骗子 gyp 【口】诈欺行为;诈欺者 impostor 冒名顶替者,骗子 lurcher 小偷,骗子,间谍 ...

5.冒充者 磁石( Magnetz) 冒充者( Impostor) 盖普( The Gap) ...

6.冒名者 7、 sinew n. 体力,气力;精力 3、 impostor n. 招摇撞骗者,冒名者 4、 knave n. 流氓,无赖,恶棍 ...

7.冒充者,骗子 imposing adj. 壮丽的,雄伟的 impostor n. 冒充者,骗子 imposture n. 冒名顶替,欺骗 ...

8.江湖骗子 Negpgent homicide 过失杀人 Impostor 江湖骗子 ICJ International Court of Justice 国际法院 ...


1.He said he was a doctor, but it subsequently emerged that he was an impostor.他说他是位医生,但后来却发现他是个骗子。

2.He looked upon her as a species of impostor ; a guilty woman in the guise of an innocent one.他把她看成一个骗子了!看成一个外表纯洁,心里淫荡的女人了。

3.But if a young guy tries to wear a bow tie in the same way, he will be considered a bit of an impostor.但是,如果一个年轻人也试图以同样的方式打领结,那他多少都会给人以冒牌货的感觉。

4."We discovered after the spectacle that this singer was, in fact, an impostor, " the Potions master whispered under his breath.“演出结束之后我们发现这个歌手——其实——是个冒牌货。”西弗勒斯轻声细语地说道。

5.In 1960, his bestseller The Great Impostor was turned into a movie of the same name starring Tony Curtis.1960年,他的畅销书《大骗子》的同名电影上映,主演是TonyCurtis。

6.It may be, you think me an impostor .您也许以为我是冒名顶替的。

7.We've been betrayed. Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight. I had to make sure you weren't an impostor.我们被出卖了。伏地魔知道你今晚要离开。我要证明你不是假的。

8.No impostor could deceive him; someone had put him up to all their tricks.任何骗子也骗不了他,有人已经把他们的一切圈套告诉了他。

9.Doroth felt she must escape from the old woman's depcately tinted world in which she was a harsh impostor.多萝茜才突然想到自己必须逃出老太太色彩绚丽的世界。在那个世界中,她是一个格格不入的骗子。

10.The inspector seized the impostor who pretended to be a visitor of the emperor's.警官逮住了冒充皇帝贵宾的骗子。