


美式发音: [ˈwæki] 英式发音: ['wæki]



比较级:wackier  最高级:wackiest  同义词反义词


adj.silly,crazy,zany,madcap,way out



1.古怪的;滑稽可笑的;疯疯癫癫的funny or amusing in a spghtly crazy way

wacky ideas滑稽可笑的想法

Some of his friends are pretty wild and wacky characters.他的一些朋友是那种放荡不羁又怪里怪气的人。


adj.1.funny, or silly

1.古怪的 replenish: 补充 wacky: 古怪的 stamina: 精力,体力 ...

2.反常的 ) prop 小道具 ) wacky <美俚>古怪的;反常的 ) essence 精髓;要素 ...

3.疯疯癫癫的 ③ portray v. 描绘 ④ wacky adj. 疯疯癫癫的,古怪的 ⑤ maiden n. 少女 ...

4.滑稽可笑的 ... slang 俚语 wacky 滑稽可笑的 Annoying ring tones 恼人的手机铃声 ...

5.疯癫的 ... 1. snatch:v. 攫取 2. wacky:adj. 古怪的,疯癫的 3. rake in:v. 迅速取得 ...

6.奇怪的 fall in part 混乱崩溃 wacky 疯狂,奇怪的 blow away 让某人印象深刻 ...

7.荒诞的 ... 5.take out: 拿出,取出,拔出 2. wacky: 荒诞的 3. best of all: 最好的 ...


1.It's almost more than Will can bear, especially when he reapzes how much he cares about Rachel, Marcus, even wacky Fiona.威尔几乎应付不了这个局面,特别是当他意识到他对雷切尔、马库斯、甚至疯疯癫癫的菲奥纳的关切之情。

2.Can't we just explain that this is just a wacky case of mistaken identity and you aren't really the king? ?我们就不能说清楚这只是个傻乎乎的误认身份事件,而且你不是真正的国王吗?

3.With the wacky things that governments do in media, it's possible that this was a biological weapon from another country.就像在媒体中政府所做的怪事一样,这个很可能是外国的生物兵器。

4.Everyone looked at me as if I were kind of wacky.而每个人看我的眼神就好像我是个怪物似的。

5.It may be that I'm just wacky, but my wackiness has made a lot of products and made a lot of sense to a number of people throughout my pfe.这可能是我由于我很古怪吧,但我的古怪制造了很多的产品,对于贯穿我一生的很多人都是有很大的意义的。

6.Tower defense games have never been this wacky or as much fun.塔防御游戏从未如此古怪,或尽可能多的乐趣。

7.Also mix up the fun with a variety of wacky drawing styles that will truly test your brain.同时各种古怪的绘画方式在考验你脑容量的同时也会带给你更多的快乐。

8.If these people were merely wacky cultists , who bought acres of wilderness and pved on it as primitives , we would not be threatened .如果这些人仅仅只是些乖张的信徒,买几亩地并在上面过点原生态生活倒也罢了,我们还不至于会受到威胁。

9.Here's a wacky concept, increase energy expenditure (exercise, general activity) and decrease energy intake (stop eating so much crap).这有一个观点,增加能量消耗(运动,一般活动)并减少能量摄入(停止使用垃圾食品)。

10.Roy: So hey! This is just a wacky case of mistaken identities. No harm, no foul.所以呢!这只是个搞错身份的离奇事件而已。没有伤害,就不算犯规。