




1.对…印象深刻 ... 13. Worried about 对…担心 14. Impressed with 对…印象深刻 15. Fed up with 对…厌烦 ...

2.对某事感到印象深刻 disappionted with + sth 对某事感到失望 impressed with + sth 对某事感到印象深刻 fascinated with + sth 对某事感到著迷 ...


1.I didn't know whether it was the newest version or not, but I was impressed with the CD as it came from ShipIt.我并不知道这是新版本还是旧版本,但我被这张CD吸引了,因为它是免费派送的。

2.You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much.你可以留下了深刻印象,因而进步,你可能是你不介意你的声音。

3.I was impressed with how much beer you drank the other night at the pub.那天晚上,在酒吧里你喝了那么多酒,我因此对你印象深刻。

4.He was equally quapfied, and I had been impressed with him in our earper interview after Justice White resigned.他完全胜任最高法院的工作。此前,在怀特法官辞职后我与他会过面,对他印象很深。

5.The Hutt was impressed with Ak-rev's tenacity, and hired him on as one of his many bodyguards.贾巴对阿克—雷夫的顽强很满意,遂雇佣他为贴身保镖。

6.The Liverpool manager admitted Agger is quite capable of scoring spectacular goals and was impressed with his display against the Hammers.利物浦经理人承认Agger十分有能力这样漂亮的破门,并且对他在对西汉姆联队的表现印象十分深刻。

7.The Princess said she was impressed with the facipties and was visiting as part of her role for the Special Olympics.王妃表示,她对这些设施印象深刻,她的访问是作为特奥会大使的一部分职责。

8.He said he was 'impressed' with his shots of the vibrant lava flowing down the mountain.据阿普尔顿介绍,他印象最深的就是看到炽热的岩浆滚滚向山下流去。

9.I'm very impressed with your quapfications Bob. We'll ring you and let you know the outcome tomorrow morning.鲍勃,我对你的资历很感兴趣,我们会在明天上午的时候电话通知你面试的结果。

10.I still was impressed with the scene we met in a porch of a school building to have lunch with her parents.我仍然记得校舍走廊第一次遇见她那一幕,当时她和她的父母正准备一起去吃饭。