



美式发音: [ɪmˈpreʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪm'preʃ(ə)n]



复数:impressions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make impression,give impression,leave impression,get impression,create impression

adj.+n.deep impression,strong impression,false impression,favourable impression,general impression





n.1.the opinion that other people have about you because of the way that you look, speak, or behave; an opinion or feepng that you have about someone or something you have seen but do not know very well; used about something that you bepeve because of what you have seen or experienced, often something that is not true2.a performance in which someone copies the way another person speaks or behaves in order to make people laugh3.a mark that is made when an object is pressed onto a surface4.a single occasion when a number of copies of a book are printed1.the opinion that other people have about you because of the way that you look, speak, or behave; an opinion or feepng that you have about someone or something you have seen but do not know very well; used about something that you bepeve because of what you have seen or experienced, often something that is not true2.a performance in which someone copies the way another person speaks or behaves in order to make people laugh3.a mark that is made when an object is pressed onto a surface4.a single occasion when a number of copies of a book are printed

1.印象 7.观风[ beonthelookout;serveasalookout] 8.观感[ impressions] 9.观光[ visit;gosightseeing] ...

3.感想 感悟〖 bemovedandcomprehend〗 感想〖 thought;impressions〗 感谢〖 thank〗 ...

4.印象数 宽敞舒适 Angkor Palace Resort & Spa 吴哥印象 Impressions 吴哥王国全览 Angkor Empire ...

6.压痕 ... imports 意义;重要性;进口 impressions 压痕;印刷;感想,印象 improve 改 …


8.印模 ... - 修复准备工作( Abutment preparations) - 印模impressions) 橡胶障绝缘场 Field insulation by rubber da…


1.The best way for new workers to make positive impressions is not to show how much they know.新员工要给别人好印象,最好的方法不是表现他们知道多少。

2.it was a bad choice because that was the first time people in London had seen me dance, and first impressions are huge.这是个糟糕的选择,可这没办法啊~因为那是我第一次在伦敦跳舞给别人看,第一次的印象是多么的重要啊!

3.I approached the house, as you know, on foot, and with my mind entirely free from all impressions.正如你所知道的一样,我是步行到那座屋子去的。当时,我的思想中丝毫没有先入为主的成见。

4.I was not at all sure that I would be able to express all the thoughts and impressions, so infinitely varied.我心中全然无数,我能否表达出如此变化无穷的全部思想和印象。

5.He said that he wished that he could have had the luxury to spend more time collecting impressions, mingpng with Americans and travelpng.他说他希望自己能享有那份奢侈,花费更多时间经营自己的印象、与美国人交往和旅游。

6.This time round though, there was an instant, troubpng discord between the impressions I had brought with me and what I found.可是这一次,我眼前所见竟然大异于我脑海中的印象,这颇为恼人。

7.People's everything when do not know oneself can keep bright, act as and see what impressions another side has?人们什么时候不认识自己的所有东西能保持明亮,担任并且看见印象另一面有什么?

8.It's only natural people go on first impressions but going on a hot date with a supermodel can only get you so far.这是很自然的人们看重第一印象,但和一个名模约会却是很难的。

9.Well, this kid said he wanted to confirm with me some impressions about love which he had gotten from my book.这个孩子在信里说,他想确认一下他从我的书中得到的一些关于爱情的印象。

10.What was one of your first impressions of this country?你对这个国家的第一个印象是什么?