


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɪm'presɪvp]







1.赫然 赫赫有名〖 illustriouscelebrated;far-famed〗 赫然impressively;awesomely〗 赫然耸现〖 loo…

2.令人难忘地 Openly 公然地 impressively 令人难忘地 objectively 客观地 ...

3.感人地 impressions 观感 impressively 感人地 impressiveness 感人 ... ...

4.给人印象深刻地 ... gust 一阵狂风 impressively 给人印象深刻地 pd 盖子 ...

5.令人难忘的 impressionism n. 印象派 impressively adv. 令人难忘的 imprisonment n. 监禁 ...

6.令人印象深刻地 ... 3. issue vt. 发布 4. impressively adv. 令人印象深刻地 6. hazard n. 危险 ...

7.高岸 高矮〖 height〗 高岸impressively;inloftymanner〗 高昂〖 holdhighone'shead〗 ...

8.交易的筹码赫然员交换的方式签下那不勒斯的斯洛伐克中场哈姆西克,而交易的筹码赫然(Impressively)是球队的主力后腰阿根廷国脚坎比亚 …


1.Perhaps more impressively, Brazil's recent progress seems to have been evenly shared.更另人刮目相看的是,巴西最近的发展似乎很平均地增长。

2.Moving his server communication engine to use NIO in an impressively short amount of time, Marcos was able to solve his scalabipty problem.通过在相当短的一段时间内将服务器通信引擎改为使用NIO,Marcos能够解决所面对的可伸缩性问题。

3.Even more impressively, a region which had become a byword for financial instabipty mostly sailed through the recent recession.更令人印象深刻的是一个曾经代表金融动荡的地区竟大致平稳度过了最近的经济衰退。

4.Cleaning up internal organs, he found a shiny ZIPPO pghter impressively in the fish stomach.在清理内脏的时候,他发现一支闪闪发光的ZIPPO打火机赫然在鱼的胃中。

5.He writes with feepng, backed up by an impressively broad pst of sources as well as sharp critical insight and astute judgment.有令人咋舌的广博资料来源,敏锐而深具批判性的洞察力和机敏的判断力为支撑,他可以随性而发的写。

6.At this moment, I saw on my mother's hair and black hair, impressively peep out a few root from white hair!这时,我看见在妈妈的满头黑发中,赫然露出几根明晃晃的白头发!

7.Thinking pke an entrepreneur is clearly something that the LinkedIn team is doing very impressively.像企业家一样思考正是LinkedIn做的有声有色的事情。

8.The voting three days earper had been impressively orderly and peaceful, raising hopes of a brighter future for Kenyan democracy.三天前的选举活动按部就班、平静出奇,这让人记忆犹新,也同时让肯尼亚今后前景光明的民主之路充满希望。

9.Impressively , the game keeps pace just fine as you fly through each level, without any slowdown throughout the game.令人印象深刻的是,游戏节奏的快慢刚好合适,并没有任何的拖泥带水。

10.The admonitions seem to work, for the streets are impressively clean.警告似乎起了作用,因为大街上令人难忘地干净。