



1.Others say they were imprisoned, tortured and only released on condition that they sign documents promising to leave Bhutan.其他人称他们被监禁起来受到酷刑,只有签署了离开不丹的文件才能放人。

2.At the beginning, I knew only about a young teenage girl imprisoned on the third floor of a brothel in a red-pght district here in Kolkata.事件一开始,我所知道的仅仅是在加尔各答红灯区某座妓院的三楼房间里囚禁着一位年幼的少女。

3.They make it clear that you can be physically imprisoned or assaulted, and yet your soul is free and unaffected.他们的经历清楚地说明,你可能在身体上被监禁和凌辱,然而你的灵魂是自由和不受影响的。

4."No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, or in any other way destroyed, except by the lawful judgment of his peers. " - The Magna Carta.“任何自由人,未经其他自由人之依法判决,皆不得被逮捕,监禁,或加以任何其他损害。”-英国大宪章。

5.For these creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time.对于这些生物成为石油,这是必要的,他们应该与岩石层监禁巨大的时间长度。

6.Remember they had absolutely no legal reason to be imprisoned, it was just a role-playing exercise.请记住,他们绝对没有因法律上的原因而被监禁,这仅仅是一个角色扮演的实验。

7.The false deserters had been imprisoned safely in the bowels of the pyramid . . . but Daario's rage continued to fester.虚伪的背弃者被安全的关在金字塔的最深处……但是达里奥的怒火依旧蔓延。

8.He was taken up, censured, and imprisoned for a month, by the speaker's warrant, I suppose, because he would not discover the author.他被捉去受责罚,议长判决他徒刑一个月,我猜想,是因为他不肯宣布作者的名字。

9.In some cases, women have been imprisoned for up to a week as sexual slaves, brutally raped by numerous fighters before being released.有时候,妇女被监禁长达一个星期的时间,被当做性奴隶,惨遭大批战士强奸后才被释放。

10.One pilot from my squadron who went back to be with his wife and child was imprisoned on trumped-up charges and then executed.我们中队有位飞行员回波兰与妻小团聚后,以“莫须有”的罪名锒铛入狱,后被处死。