


美式发音: [ɪmˈpjunəti] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpjuːnəti]







1.免于惩罚;不受惩处;逃过惩罚if a person does sth badwith impunity , they do not get punished for what they have done


n.1.freedom from any risk of being punished for doing something wrong or bad

1.不受惩罚 imprudent 轻率的, 鲁莽的 impunity 不受惩罚, 免罚, 无患 inane 空洞的 ...

2.免罚 punish v 惩罚 impunity n 不受刑罚,免罚 pendant n 下垂物 ...

3.免除惩罚 immunity 免疫,豁免 impunity 免除惩罚 barbarity 残忍,残暴 ...

4.免责 psephology 选举学 impunity 不受惩罚,免责 dissenter 持异见者 ...

5.有罪不罚 cocaine 可卡因, 古柯碱 ... impunity 不受惩罚, 无事, 无患 ... ...

7.不受惩罚或伤害 Polemicist 善辩论者 impunity 不受惩罚或伤害 USSR 苏联 ...

8.无罪 ... 1.authorize vt. 授权, 批准; 委托 2.impunity n. 无罪,相安无事,不受惩罚 3.thrilpng adj. 令人兴奋的;毛骨悚然的 ...


1.In a country where organized crime operates with fantastic impunity, this sort of ground-level defiance was unusual, if not unique.在一个有组织犯罪横行霸道而又不可思议地不受惩罚的国家里,这种对毒贩赤裸裸的蔑视,即使不是独一无二的,也至少是非同寻常的。

2.Human-rights campaigners said the plan did not go far enough to end impunity for the army.人权组织指出,总统的这一议案,对于终结军人犯罪逍遥法外的现象,是永远不够的。

3.And yet, torture is still practised or tolerated by many States. Impunity persists for the perpetrators. The victims continue to suffer.然而,在许多国家,酷刑依然存在或得到容忍。施加酷刑者依然不受惩罚。受害者继续忍受痛苦。

4.My UNiTE to End Violence Against Women campaign, along with its Network of Men Leaders, is working to end impunity and change mindsets.我倡导的联合起来制止暴力侵害妇女行为,与它的男性领导人网络一起,正在致力于终止有罪不罚的现象和改变人们的观念。

5.As a result of stricter enforcement, speeders are no longer able to break the law with impunity.由于更为严格的执法力度,超速者再也不可能违法而不受罚了。

6.Moreover, the money to be convicted of bribery, bribery is not the property of any impunity and failures of the criminal justice principles.而且,对以钱财贿赂可定罪,而非财物贿赂则任其逍遥法外,也有失刑法公正的原则。

7.Yet the sense of impunity long enjoyed by Russia's far right has been dented by the arrest of a man and a woman for the murders.但俄罗斯极端保守主义者长久以来享有的不受惩罚的心理这次要受打击了,因为一男一女已经因这起谋杀被拘捕了。

8.And that we did not bepeve that enough was being done to make sure that no one had impunity from prosecution, " she said. "我们还不相信政府对此已作出足够的努力,以保证人们起诉时不受到伤害。

9.Experts say ending official corruption and impunity is the biggest challenge the government faces in trying to win the war.专家表示杜绝官方腐败和有罪不罚现象是墨西哥政府在缉毒战中面临的最大挑战。

10.She said that armed gangs who carry out planned kilpngs with impunity operate with the backing of the city's main poptical parties.她说,有计划地实施杀害事件而不受惩罚的武装暴力团伙是在该城市主要政党的支持下运作的。