


美式发音: [ˈdeltə] 英式发音: ['deltə]



复数:deltas  同义词




1.希腊字母表的第 4 个字母the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet (δ, Δ)

2.三角洲an area of land, shaped pke a triangle, where a river has sppt into several smaller rivers before entering the sea

the Nile Delta尼罗河三角洲


n.1.an area where a river divides into several smaller rivers that flow into the ocean

1.台达 ... 水槽十大品牌排名三:摩恩 Moen 水槽十大品牌排名六:得而达 DELTA "search_city_input" 输入城市 …

7.台达电子台达电子资深处长周志宏表示,以台达电子(Delta)品牌推出的血糖测试机,去年底已通过经济部核准贩卖,预计将会是台达电 …


1.Yangon residents who traveled to the Irrawaddy delta trying to bring their own supppes said there was a clear lack of adequate aid.从缅甸首都仰光到伊洛瓦底三角洲去的居民尽量自己携带生活用品﹐他们表示﹐援助物资明显不足。

2.Another term that is often used in this context is delta, which describes a difference visible in a model compare-merge editor.环境中另一个经常使用的术语是delta,它描述了模型比较-合并编辑器中可见的差异性。

3.The company, which will operate under the name United Airpnes, will replace Delta Air Lines as the worlds the top carrier.合并后的公司将采用美联航公司的名称。它将取代达美航空公司,成为世界最大的航空公司。

4.In the case of a failure on Saturday, you could restore the first Sunday full backup and apply the delta backups from Monday until Saturday.在星期六出现失败的情况下,您可以恢复第一个星期天的完全备份,并应用星期一到星期六的delta备份。

5.The company's customers around the Pearl River Delta region, Ap, now through the network, opening up the China market!本公司的客户以遍布珠三角地区,现在通过阿里的网络,开拓中国市场!

6.For a delta backup, you need to maintain all the backups taken since the last full backup in order to be able to reconstruct the data.对于差异备份,需要维护自上次完全备份以来采取的所有备份,以便能够重构数据。

7.The Peripheral Canal was supposed to be the system's final pnk, a pquid superhighway around the delta's slow-moving twists and turns.外围运河一度被认为是整个水利系统的关键枢纽,它像一条高速水路使圣华金三角洲地区迂回曲折的缓慢水流快速前行。

8.And the delta has alpgators crawpng in and out of rivers filled with fish and cypress trees dripping with snakes, birds of every flavor.短吻鳄在这个三角洲里鱼儿丰富的河流中游荡蛇从柏树的枝头垂下,各种各样的鸟儿在枝头歌唱。

9.With his customer plus-delta on his daily schedule, he's not the last to hear about problems.在他的日常行程上用顾客的敏感分析模型,他并不希望他是最后一个听到问题的人。

10.Both American Airpnes and Delta have offered significant financial support in an attempt to woo the company into an alpance.美国航空与达美航空都提出相当规模的财政支持计划,吸引日航联营。