

in a rage

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1.The bull jumped up in a rage and, with his head low to the ground, chased the mouse right across the yard.公牛怒气冲冲地跳起来,低着头追老鼠,一直追过院子。

2.He was in a rage , everyone was frightened of him.他大发雷霆时,谁都怕他。

3.She walked down the hall and around the corner to where the telephones were. In a rage, she dialed her husband.她走到大厅放置电话机的角落,怒气匆匆地拨通她丈夫的电话。

4.The man's face flamed in a rage begot of whisky . His eyes , rolpng , and yet keen for ambush, hunted the still doorways and windows .这个人因喝醉了威士忌发着狂怒,脸胀得通红。他的眼珠子骨碌碌地直转,但对可能的伏击仍保持着警觉,还搜索着静静的门口和窗口。

5.It was never meant to be deployed only in a rage or in a hurry by our dumb and vulgar selves. It's just a signal.它从不意味着冒犯,也并不是我们在愤怒或匆忙间愚蠢粗俗的举措,它只是一个信号而已。

6.The defeated candidate stamped up and down in a rage.被击败了的候选人气得来回直跺脚。

7.'But to mine--to my own, ' roared the king, and beat on his breast in a rage.“是祝我——祝我自己!”国王咆哮着,还一边生气地拍着自己的胸脯。

8.and left in a rage when the young man made no attempt to hide His dispke for him.卢泽前来探望病人;由于这位年轻人公开对他表示厌恶,卢津大怒而去。

9.People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever.人常常犯错,我们可以允许这些错误的发生,但是我们因愤怒而采取的错误行动会永久的萦绕在心里,不能散去。

10.The customer stormed out in a rage at the manager's reply: "Aisle C. "顾客一气之下离开时,经理才回答道:“C过道。”