




1.神经肽 Cortiso 皮质醇 NPY 神经肽Y MTL 胃动素 ...

3.神经肽酪氨酸dical Research)的研究人员发现,一种刺激食欲素的名为神经□(NPY)的化学物质,对于支配身体选择消耗能量还是储存 …

5.神经胜肽神经胜肽(NPY)作为石斑鱼饲料诱引剂之运用15:50~16:10 石斑鱼多价位疫苗之开发 16:10~16:30 16:30~17:00 综合座谈 ~17:00

6.神经肽丫④神经肽丫(NPY): NPY被认为是调节GnRH释放的肽类递质。下丘脑许多区域有NPY能神经纤维,并且与GnRH神经元有突触 …

7.神经去甲肾上腺素刺激交感神经 ,不仅可以 引起儿茶酚胺释放 ,也可引起 NPY的分泌 , 所以认为 NPY是 交感神经去甲肾上腺素(NPY) 的辅助递质 …


1.Results A great quantity of NPY-ir neurons and a small amounts of NPY-ir fibres were located in the caudate-putamen nucleus.结果NPY免疫反应阳性神经元大量分布于尾壳核,NPY免疫反应阳性纤维分布稀疏。

2.Skip this opportunity and escalating NPY levels might lead you to overeat later in the day.错过这一机会,在一天的晚些时候提高神经肽Y的水平,就可能吃得过多。

3.Morgan is keen to run trials of the effects of DHEA and NPY on the cognitive resipence of SERE trainees.Morgan十分希望在SERE受训者身上测试DHEA和NPY恢复认知能力的效果。

4.People who produce lower amounts of the brain molecule neuropeptide Y (NPY) were at a higher risk of severe depression.能产生少量脑分子神经肽(NPY)的人,是忧郁症高发人群。

5.CONCLUSION: MAPK system may be i n vol ved in the pathophysiology of hypertensive myocardial hypertrophy induced by NPY .结论:MAPK系统可能在NPY致心肌细胞肥大的信息传导途径中发挥重要的作用。

6.However, exogenous adenosine-induced anorexia is not mediated by orexigenic NPY neurons.然而,神经胜肽Y神经元并不媒介外生性腺核苷所诱导的厌食作用。;

7.In order to add fat selectively to the mice they tested, researchers injected NPY into a specific area.为了选择性地增加他们测试中的老鼠的脂肪,研究人员把NPY打在一个特定的区域。

8.Conclusions: NPY receptors are novel molecular markers for human sarcomas .结论:NPY是一种新的肉瘤的分子标记物。

9.First, researchers classified subject participants into three categories according to low, medium or high NPY expression.研究人员根据底、中、高三种神经肽Y表现将被实验者分为三组。

10.But the release of NPY can stimulate the reproduction of cells that are precursors to fat cells.但是NPY的释放可以刺激那些可以变成脂肪的细胞,促进他们的产生。