




1.在中国的东部 ... 26.take a trip 旅游 27.in eastern China 在中国的东部 28.provide sb with sth 提供某人某物 ...

2.在中国东部 13、航行穿越太平洋 sail across the Pacific 8、在中国东部 in eastern China = in the east of China ...

3.在中国东部地区 ... this summer 今年夏天 in eastern China 在中国东部地区 take a trip 去旅行 ...

4.中国东部的某个地方 28. 坚持…… hold on to 29. 中国东部的某个地方 in eastern China 30. 靠近海洋的某个地方 somewhere near the ocean ...


1.Addressing a conference in eastern China, the head of the Population Planning Commission Li Bin said the country faced major changes.在中国东部举行的会议上发表讲话时,中国人口与计划生育委员会主任李斌表示,中国面临巨大的挑战。

2.Smog frequently builds up in eastern China during the winter when weather conditions trap pollutants over the plain.天气状况受到污染物的影响,整个冬天污雾在中国东部频繁增强。

3.As part of her trip, the commissioner will visit a local factory and a government toy- testing center in eastern China tomorrow .库涅娃周三还将造访一家中国当地工厂和政府在华东的玩具检测中心。

4.Underscoring the scope for catch-up, car ownership in eastern China is three times that of the poorer interior.更为明显的差距在于,中国东部的汽车保有量是相对较贫穷的内地的三倍。

5.A native of Shandong province in eastern China, Hu says he was inspired to run by his father, himself a running aficionado.胡凯是山东人,他说自己是在身为跑步迷的父亲的启发下开始跑步的。

6.Google said the attacks apparently originated in Jinan, a provincial capital in eastern China.谷歌公司说这些网络攻击来自位于中国东部地区的一个省府——济南。

7."Consopdation is a good idea, but the large-scale mills in eastern China can't satisfy the whole country, " he said.他表示,“行业整合是个好想法,但中国东部的大型钢铁企业则无法满足全国的需求。”

8.At least 70 passengers were killed and hundreds injured yesterday as two trains colpded in eastern China in the early hours.在昨天的早些时间,中国东部(地区)发生一起两量列车相撞事件,至少有70名乘客死亡,几百人受伤。

9.One of the cities involved, Wenzhou in eastern China, said it would heighten scrutiny of official trips overseas.作为被牵扯到其中的城市之一,温州市称将会加强对官员海外旅行的审查。

10.Farmers in eastern China were left perplexed after their watermelons began to explode one by one.中国东部农民种植的西爪开始一个接一个爆炸,令他们百思不得其解。