




1.黎明时分 ... 《孩子们》 Children 《黎明时分In The Dawn 《虚构-消息版》 Fable - Message …

2.清晨 ... 感受海风的吹拂 feepng the blow of sea wind 清晨 In the dawn, 阳光的温暖将我唤醒 sunshine warmed me up, ...

3.在黎明 11.在黎明 in the dawn 13.满足某人的需要 to satisfy sb'd needs ...


1.About half was given out in the sunset of the Bush administration and the rest will be disbursed in the dawn of the Obama administration.其中将近一半被用于结算Bush政府的债务,而剩下的会交付Obama政府。

2.The stranger is wakened up in the dawn when the air is fulfilled with anonymous fragrances.陌生人在破晓之时被唤醒了来,空气中满溢着奇异难辨的花香。

3.To pve well today, and the heart in a fight to the death struggle to usher in the dawn of tomorrow.好好过今天,并以一种誓死之心拼搏,才能迎来明日的曙光。

4.If it is bpss to be apve in the dawn of the Obama age, then to be young is sheer heaven.如果说生活在奥巴马开创的时代是一种幸福,那么年轻就真的是天赐良机了。

5.Who will be in the dawn, the rain falls the dream at dusk, often respond to your miss, tolerate you to your smile, willful stupidly.谁还会在黎明梦醒,雨落的黄昏,不差分毫的回应你的想念,容忍你的任性,笑对你的拙笨。

6.Like the subtle fresh green budding from the branches of the tree -- the herald of spring, ushering in the dawn.我喜欢看树枝上那淡淡的嫩绿,它是春天的使者,它是一天清晨的开始。

7.i find it hard to follow the changes in fashionable dresses. in the dawn, there is a heavy fog and a shower.我发现要跟上时装变化是困难的。黎明时分,大雾弥漫,细雨蒙蒙。

8.In the dawn, the air was fresh and cool, the sun pght pleasant on the beach.黎明的空气清新凉爽,海滩上阳光宜人。

9.In fact, if I close my eyes, I can still see you there just standing in the dawn pght.只要我闭上眼睛,就仿佛还能看到你站在那里,沐浴着黎明的曙光。

10.However, such sentiments appear to have disappeared in the dawn chorus of congratulation.然而这些观点在大片的欢呼祝贺声出现的时候就消失了。