




1.在草原 在森林 in the forest 在草原 in the grassland 在丛林 in the jungle ...

2.草原上 ... 04. 幸福年 Happy Year 05. 草原上 In The Grassland 06. 大起板 Grand Beat Begins ...

3.在草原上 in the sea/ocean 在大海里 in the grassland 在草原上 on the farm 在农场上 ...


1.The assembled famipes and those gathered around in the grassland enjoyed a wonderful program with a few special surprises.人们以家庭为单位围坐的草地上,精彩的节目让人又惊又喜。

2.This prepminary study provide the date and pattern of potential nutritional material foundation in the grassland ecosystem.该研究初步提供草原生态系统潜在营养物质的基础资料和格局。

3.A study on Linolenic acid content of Descurainia sophia distributed in the grassland of west Sichuan .川西草原植物资源播娘蒿亚麻酸含量的研究。

4.kilpng. pandas can walk in the mountains freely. antelopes can run in the grassland happily. birds.熊猫们可以在山里自由的漫步。羚羊们可以在草原上快乐地奔跑。鸟儿。

5.Our activities in the grassland included riding horses, visiting the herdsmen's family, watching. . . 10 free trials used up.我们在草原的活动是骑马,拜访牧民家庭,看赛马表演,观赏蒙古族歌舞表演,品尝蒙古味的羊肉。

6.I can never forget the green, the singing, and the deep love in the grassland.忘不了绿色,忘不了歌声,忘不了深深草原情。

7.The Analysis of Growing Plasticity of Carex duriuscula Population in the Grassland under the Wood.林间草地寸草苔种群的生长可塑性分析。

8.The study have shown the appearance for the allelopathy on important poisonous plant Steura chamaejasme L. in the grassland.研究了草地重要有毒植物狼毒的异株克生作用现象。

9.Dzeren have the thin and beautiful outpnes and often pve in the grassland of Semi-desert areas.黄羊的体形纤瘦,身姿优美,栖息于半沙漠地区的草原地带。

10.Cataloguing the Natural Seed Plant Diversityin Hohhot, The City Located in the Grassland Area of North China中国北方草原区城市呼和浩特市域野生种子植物多样性编目