




1.在监狱 in prison 坐牢 in the prison 在监狱
in red 穿着红色的衣服 ...

2.在监狱里 in prison 坐牢。 in the prison 在监狱里。 on 指边界的相临。 ...

3.在监狱中工作 ... 473. in the morning 早上 474. in the prison 在监狱中工作,在这(那)所监狱中 477. in time 正好,及 …

4.在监狱工作 in prison 在监狱 in the prison 在监狱工作 in front of 在外部的前面 ...

5.在那所监狱里 in prison 坐监 in the prison 在那所监狱里(不一定是坐监的) go to the school 去那所学校 ...

6.在那个监狱里 in bed 在睡觉,躺在床上 in the prison 在那个监狱里(工作) in prison 在服刑 ...


1.It was an adulterous relationship. In return, Herod put him in the prison located 5 miles east of Jordan .明明是希律犯了奸淫的罪,可是王却把约翰关进了位于约旦以东五英里的监狱里。

2.He didn't find his mother, but what he did see made him hide under a pile of clothes with other children for days in the prison.他没有找到他的母亲,但是眼前的情景使得他和其他的孩子们在几天内都躲在监狱里面一堆衣服后面。

3.When he was in the prison his jailers had called it a "xunyusuo, " which means "moral education institute. "他在监狱里的时候,狱方把这所监狱叫做“训育所”,意思是“德育教育基地”。

4.We were made to sit on our knees in the prison courtyard for an hour while they beat us continuously and kicked us all over our bodies.我们在监狱的院子里跪了一个小时,期间他们不停的打我们,踢我们的身体。

5.The accomppshed marriage is all prison ground in the prison to inset in the social frame, hard agitatedly.任何一个既成的婚姻,都是牢牢地镶嵌在社会框架之中,难以动摇。

6.Meantime nature is not slow to equip us in the prison-uniform of the party to which we adhere.同时,自然却利落地在我们身上套上我们所效忠的政党的囚犯号衣。

7.So the warder put Joseph in charge of all those held in the prison, and he was made responsible for all that was done there.司狱就把监里所有的囚犯都交在约瑟手下;他们在那里所办的事都是经他的手。

8.Lincon asked Fernando's cousin, one of the cleaning boys in the prison to help them.林肯让费尔南多的堂弟,一个在监狱里搞清洁的男孩子帮助他们。

9.I had a small piece of paper with me in the prison.在监狱里我有她留下来的一小张纸。

10.Robert Giles then sued the State of New York for faipng to provide a safe place for him to work in the prison.罗伯特。贾尔斯于是起诉纽约州没有为他在监狱提供一个安全的工作场所。他说,他受伤都是政府的过错。