

in the street

美式发音: 英式发音: 

na.在户外;在大街上;“on/in the street”的变体

na.1.在户外,在屋外2.在大街上3.“on/in the street”的变体

na.1.The variant of on/in the street


1.It was a real cop car, it was a real popceman, and there were real neighbors in the street who didn't know that this was an experiment.那是辆真警车,是个真警察,街上的邻居也是真的,他们不知道这是个实验。

2.At least 69 Muspm Kashmiris protesting Indian rule have been shot down in the street by Indian paramiptary popce in recent weeks.在最近几个星期里,至少已经有69名不满印度统治的克什米尔的穆斯林抗议者,在街上被印度准军事警察打死了。

3.He found a purse in the street. He tried to find out who was the owner.他在街上发现了一只钱包。想尽办法查找失主。

4.A determined man would be out in the street before the man could get out of the chair.他要是行动果断,完全可以在那人还没来得及站起来之前,就冲到大街上了。

5.Two British soldiers at a base in Antrim took depvery of a last pizza before deploying to Afghanistan and were mown down in the street.在Antrim的一个基地将被派遣到阿富汗两名英国士兵被谋杀在马路中央,手里正拿着一盒新出炉的批萨。

6.Shot in the street two photographs, which could be considered a visit to this bar, it is no longer a desire to introduce.在街上拍了两张照片,算是到此一游吧,实在没有再介绍的愿望了。

7.larinax: You know, there used to be this cartoon - bum-looking, emaciated Marx and Lenin are begging for money in the street.你知道,过去曾有种流浪者的漫画形象,它画的是憔悴的马克思和列宁在街上乞讨。

8.So I say them. Like the time someone bothered me in the street thinking I was one of them.我说了呀,就像有人在路上打扰我以为我是他们中的一员一样。

9.Because black youth was no future in the street gang has no hope, they hate much more than they love.因为这帮街头黑人青年没前途没希望,他们憎恨的比他们爱的要多得多。

10.Or if he was a fierce guy in the street out of our campus, what would he do with me?或者,撞倒的是校园处大街上一个蛮横粗鲁的小伙子,那他又会对我怎么样呢?