




1.工作中 ... 我和 Mandy 工作中 in working 结婚了 married ...

2.译作英文是译作(in working)。当神起首在人里面运行时,在人这边也许是莫名其妙的,但一运行到成熟时,人就得着启示与亮光, …

3.忘忧[日志] 【山林间的。花。生活】周末我要去"忘忧"(in Working) (esrzuws 2010-10-12 05:31:46)


1.(Applause) And I ask all of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me.(掌声)我也要请你们都与我一道,像你们曾支持我一样来努力支持巴拉克·奥巴马!

2.Perhaps in working together with him for a long time, we'll learn that he is a man to get along well with.也许同他合作很长一段时间,我们就会知道他是一个男人相处的。

3.In working with Louann, I asked her what was more important in her pfe. "What you know, or how you feel? "在于露娜谈论过程中,我问她在她的生活中什么东西最重要,是知识,还是自己的感受。

4.If I pay as much for a plain box as I would for an ornamented one, then the difference is in working hours.如果我付给光溜溜的烟盒的钱跟给有装饰的一样多,那么工时的差额就归工人所有了。

5.And that's why especially the United States needs to be prepared to take a lead in working to contain financial crises.这就是为什么美国特别需要作好准备在遏制金融危机的工作中起主导作用的原因。

6.Flexibipty in usage, mentioned above, might seem to be the same as flexibipty in working with the XML document.上面所提到的使用中的灵活性,看上去可能与操作XML文档中的灵活性是一样的。

7.Yes, I was one of six young architects that spent half a year in working on it.是的,我就是这六名年轻建筑师之一,我们花费了半年的时间来设计它。

8.He is also looking for industrial collaborators and innovators who might be interested in working with him.他还在寻找对他项目感兴趣的工业界和革新发明人士进行合作。

9.Furthermore, the absence of a time frame for transition would deny us any sense of urgency in working with the Afghan government.此外,如果不制定移交时间表,将会使我们在与阿富汗政府合作时丧失紧迫感。

10.This includes gender specific pregnancy tips intended to describe how a man can assist his wife or partner in working through a pregnancy.其中包括了与性别有关的特别怀孕贴士,这些贴士旨在向男士们阐述在怀孕期间如何协助他的妻子。