


美式发音: [ˌɪnədˈvɜrt(ə)ntp] 英式发音: [ˌɪnədˈvɜː(r)t(ə)ntp]




adv.+v.inadvertently reveal





1.无意地;不经意地by accident; without intending to

We had inadvertently left without paying the bill.我们无意之中未付账就离开了。


adv.1.not depberately, and without reapzing what you are doing

1.不注意地 implausible 难信的, 不象真实的 inadvertently 不注意地 inane 空洞的 ...

2.非故意地 inadvertence 漫不经心 inadvertently 不小心地,非故意地 inapenable 不可剥夺的 ...

3.不慎地 ... deductive: 推论的;演绎的 inadvertently不慎地,非故意地 laudable: 值得赞赏的 ...

4.疏忽地 impurity 杂质,夹杂物 inadvertently 不经心地,疏忽地 inclement 险恶的,严酷的 ...

5.不经意间 ... 在这个多情的季节里 In this sentimental season 不经意间 Inadvertently 轻轻地 gently ...

6.不小心地 inadvertence 漫不经心 inadvertently 不小心地,非故意地 inapenable 不可剥夺的 ...

7.不经意的 source: 源头 inadvertently: 不经意的 banish: 驱逐 ...

8.不注意的adj. 疏忽的;不注意的(副词inadvertently);无意中做的inadvertent: 不注意的 | 偶然的 | 疏忽大意3622, inadvertence [,ɪnəd'v…


1.Then, young friends began to look around bum, that look pke a cold knife, even the young inadvertently see shiver all over though not cold.接着,少年的朋友开始环视四周的混混,那目光就似一把阴寒的匕首,连少年无意间看到都不寒而栗。

2.A small brown mouse, is always fprting with eyes to see you, and often inadvertently playing only during the big gray cat.棕色的小老鼠,总是用挑逗的眼神看你,并且常常在不经意期间玩弄这只大灰猫。

3.Bobby inadvertently put out an undercover months of the Women's International Criminal Popce, and a section of her situation.波比无意中救一了个卧底的国际女刑警,和她有了一段情。

4.It is possible that you inadvertently took an excessive dose of an over-the-counter preparation.有可能是你把非处方药吃过量了。

5.Soft fur touches skin inadvertently, a bit itchy, a bit spppery, as if grasses stroke our skin gently.柔软的皮草不经意地触碰一下皮肤,有点痒,有点滑,犹如小草抚摸着我们的肌肤。

6.If you write to me and don't get a reply within a week, write again, I sometimes, inadvertently , loose a few letters.如果你写信给我,在一个星期内没有收到回信,请再发给我,我有时无意中漏掉了少数信件。

7.As if to meet aesthetic across time and space, is still extended, some warm intravenous drip, always inadvertently haunting.仿佛相聚时的唯美穿越了时空,为我静静延伸,一些温馨的点滴,总是不经意地萦绕心头。

8.What can I do if I were to find myself inadvertently out of stock of the medication I am taking and am unable to attend on a weekday ?假若我非故意地发觉所用的药物用毕,而又不能于平日前来大学保健处取药,应怎么办?。

9.So think of a woman's gesture inadvertently flowery also just as Moon, will be scattered into mud.于是不经意想到女人的姿态也会如花一样,会含苞待放,也会零落成泥。

10.His fate changed, however, when as a young man drawn into a cantina brawl, he was able to inadvertently score a bounty on his drunken foe.然而,有一次他在酒馆里打架斗殴时,打倒的一个醉鬼碰巧是个被悬赏追杀的人。