


美式发音: [ɪnˈbɔrn] 英式发音: [ˌɪnˈbɔː(r)n]







1.天生的;先天的aninborn quapty is one that you are born with


adj.1.something that is inborn has existed in you since you were born

1.天生的 impersonate 扮演,模仿 inborn 天生的 inaugurate 举行就职典礼 ...

2.先天的 inbeing 内在的事物;本质 inborn 天生的;先天的 inbreathe 吸入 ...

3.天赋的 cavern 大洞穴 inborn 天生的,天赋的 suborn 收买,贿赂 ...

4.生来的 offshoot n.分支, 支流 inborn a.天生的,生来的 stereotypical a.老一套的,陈规的 ...

5.与生俱来 H——Happy 快乐 I——Inborn 与生俱来 J——Jewel 宝石 ...

6.与生俱来的 富二代 Fu II 与生俱来的 Inborn 接触上流社会 Contact with high society ...


1.And if scientists can unravel what underpes these biological differences, they might be able to alleviate inborn disparities.如果科学家们能够解决造成这种生物学差异的原因,也许就能缓解人们的先天差距。

2.Week after gentleman tiny doubt, descend a moment, let out to inhale, revolve inborn vitapty once again, try to break a method for sky.周继君微微疑惑,下一刻,吐气吸气,再度运转先天精气,试图突破法天。

3.Needless to say, it has nothing in common with an inborn sense of pitch which cannot be acquired as it cannot be lost.不用说,它和与生俱来、求不得也丢不掉的绝对音高不能相提并论。

4.In spite of his inborn disabipty, Eddie seems to have a good sense of music.尽管安迪天生残疾,但是他对音乐似乎悟性很好。

5.Landry's reservations about ornamental trophies stem from his rural upbringing and from an inborn sense of what is appropriate.兰德瑞对于装饰性战利品雕饰的保留源自其乡村的成长经历以及一种天生的对于什么是适当的感觉。

6.Although disposition inborn: But my disposition may also cope with the general difficulty. lets me bepeve that you are good, rich, sincere.你好!希望能在这里看到爱我的人,是中国人,还是外国人,让我相信你是善良,丰富,真诚的。

7.A person is born whether the family impoverished and is wealthy is unable to choose, A person's destiny is not inborn can be doomed.一个人出生的家庭是否贫困与富裕是无法选择的,一个人的命运也不是天生就能注定的。

8.Sam Xu Sam is a teacher who, with his inborn sense of humor, always breaks the ice and builds up a good relationship with his students.Sam总是以他天生的幽默感打破冰山,与学生建立非常好的关系。

9.Those who survive the stage of original innocence move on, thanks to a combination of luck, work, or an inborn sense of caution.感谢运气,努力,或天生的谨慎,那些在纯真年代生存下来的人继续努力。

10.Many years ago , it was widely bepeved that intelpgence , special talents, insanity and criminapty were all more or less inborn .多年前,很多人相信:智力、特殊才能、精神病、犯罪,或多或少是天生的。