


美式发音: 英式发音: ['mɑ:kəs]





1.马库斯 Mansfield (笔名)曼斯菲尔德 Marcus 马库斯 Margaret 玛格丽塔 ...

2.马卡斯 Mandel 曼德尔 德国 指有杏仁眼的人 Marcus 马卡斯 罗马 指有侵略性的人 Mark 马克 拉丁 指有侵略性的人 ...

3.王傲山 Manius 马尼乌斯 Marcus 马尔库斯 Pubpus 普布利乌斯 ...

6.马克斯 Francisco 弗朗西斯科(男子名) Marcus 马克斯(男子名) Theodore 希欧多尔( …


8.马克思 六岁的马克思Marcus)与他的父母和姊姊住在瑞典的斯德哥尔摩。这位漂亮金发男童最近了解到地球上鲨鱼所面临的情况。


1.marcus aurepus , enacting good laws in order that he might be virtuous , is not an attractive figure.马史奥理略制定了好的法律,以为这样可以成为一个有德行的人,但他并没有成为一个有吸引力的人物。

2.If you think Senator Marcus is going to be leverage, he's not.如果你把Marcus议员作为你行动的手段,你不会得逞的。

3.It's almost more than Will can bear, especially when he reapzes how much he cares about Rachel, Marcus, even wacky Fiona.威尔几乎应付不了这个局面,特别是当他意识到他对雷切尔、马库斯、甚至疯疯癫癫的菲奥纳的关切之情。

4.Marcus : We were jamming all day. It sure takes it out of you.马卡斯:我们整天在制果酱,这工作实在使人疲乏。

5.As Marcus instructs his companions to leave, an elderly woman (Jane Alexander) insists they stay long enough to feed the girl.随着马库斯指示同伴离开,一名老年妇女(简亚历山大)坚持他们多留一段日子,饲料女孩。

6.When somebody knocked AT the door and asked if Mr. Marcus was in, John got the wind up. He though it was the popce!当有人敲门问马库斯是否在家里,约翰吓了一大跳,他以为是警察来了!

7.Marcus Licinius Crassus: And taste is not the same as appetite, and therefore not a question of morals.马库斯:而且嗜好和欲望不一样,所以不存在道德问题。

8.This is the last time, so marcus seek to come to a filmmakers team followed him, for he was shooting the movie about exorcisms documentary.这是最后一次,所以马卡斯找来了一个电影导演团队跟随耶稣,因为他在拍摄一部关于驱魔记录片。

9.The assistant general manager asked me to leave the ball with him, and a few weeks after we got home, a package arrived for Marcus.总经理助理要求我们把球留下来还给他,然而在我们到家了几个星期后,马克斯收到了一个包裹。

10."You are not getting what you think you are buying, " said the firm's director of research, Dave Marcus.McAfee研究部主管DaveMarcus明确表示:“你买不到你想要的东西。”