


美式发音: [ˈɪnˌbɑks] 英式发音: [ˈɪnˌbɒks]






1.(电子邮件)收件箱the place on a computer where new email messages are shown

I have a stack of emails in my inbox.我的收件箱里有很多电邮。


n.1.the place on a computer program where e-mails arrive for you

1.收件箱 content://sms/queued 待发送列表 content://sms/inbox 收件箱 content://sms/sent 已发送 ...

2.收件匣 flood 灌水 Inbox 收信箱 logoff 注销 ...

6.收集箱  1.三个收集箱(inbox):一个Email收件箱、一个书桌内收集箱、一本随身携带的笔记本;  2.一份日程表:网络版的如GoogleCale…

7.邮件赚钱2、邮件赚钱INBOX),这里都是邮件广告,打开邮件后,点PAID AD下面的那个长长的链接,点击其它链接不给钱。3、注 …


1.Where you used to let messages sit in your inbox for a day or two to decide what to do with it, you take action the first time you read it.相对于你过去花一到两天时间来决定收件箱中邮件去留的习惯,如今的你打开信件阅读的那一刻,你就迈出了行动的第一步。

2.You open your inbox, take a look through your to-do pst, and get ready to start the day.打开收件箱,快速浏览你的任务清单,你就开始了新的一天。

3.On Sunday night I sat down at the dinner table after my family headed upstairs and I spent three hours cleaning out my email inbox.周日晚上,吃罢晚饭,我家人都上楼了。我坐在餐桌旁,化了3个小时清理我的电子邮箱。

4.Perhaps you've fallen into the trap of trying to work while you've got Facebook and Twitter open. You check your inbox every few minutes.也许你正挣扎着要完成工作,然而你的脸谱和推特却开着,你每隔几分钟刷新一次。

5.An inbox is only useful as a place to collect everything that's important, to get it out of your head so that you can do something with it.一个收集器只是一个收集任何重要事情的有用地方,让你清空脑袋以至于你可以真正处理事情。

6.They make it a bit easier to keep your inbox clean and distraction-free while you tend to actual work.它能使你的收件箱保持干净,并且在实际工作的时候能够自动分类。

7.When a TripAdvisor email with a Detroit Special Destination Update popped into my inbox yesterday, it was sort of a shock.环球旅讯10月11日消息:昨天,当我收到一封关于最新的底特律旅游优惠资讯的TripAdvisor邮件时,我有点惊讶。

8.To be fair, this message did show up in my "Other" box, rather than the main inbox used for communications from known friends.公平的讲,这条信息的确出现在“其他”收件箱里,而不是用于和朋友交流的主收件箱中。

9.As one VC friend from London said to me, "I hate to think what could be lurking at the dark bottom of my inbox" .正如我的一个来自伦敦的VC朋友曾经跟我提到过的:“最可恨的是你要回忆你的那封电子邮件到底是藏在收件箱底部密密麻麻的哪个位置呢。”

10.Imagine what's coming into that "send feedback" inbox that's at the bottom of every G+ page?你能想象在每个Google+页面底部的“sendfeedback”的收件箱会有多恐怖吗?